View previous page View next page Title Search: D�claration de Tahiti Nui = Tahiti Nui Declaration
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Director's report to the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Pacific Islands Conference Lapani, Charles Pac.HC681.P298 1987 IN
 5 Directory
Book Directory for law enforcement and other public and private agencies Gov.PR 42.8:C 43/2 2007 IN
Serial Directory of accredited institutions, candidates for accreditation Western Association of Schools and Colleges (U.S.) Ref.L903.C2W47a IN
Book A Directory of addresses for youth and community workers in the South Pacific Commonwealth Youth Programme, South Pacific Regional Centre Pac.HV515.6 .D57 1989 IN
Book Directory of agricultural education and training in the South Pacific region. Pac.S535.O3S68 1966 IN
Book Directory of agricultural information resource centres in the Pacific, 1996 Walton, Peter, 1953- Pac.S494.5.I74D57 1996 IN
Book Directory of agricultural research and experimentation in the South Pacific South Pacific Commission. Pac.DU1.S57 no. 23 IN
 3 Directory of aid agencies.
Book The directory of Asia-Pacific Foundations 2008. Pac.HV7.D54 2008 IN
Book Directory of college facilities and services for people with disabilities Ref.LC4812.6.D57 1991 IN
Book A directory of environmentally sound technologies for the integrated management of solid, liquid and hazardous waste for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Pacific United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Pac.TD169.5.D47U48 2002 IN
Serial Directory of Hawaii firms with business interests in Asia and the Pacific Pac.HF3161.H3H37 1973 IN
Book Directory of industrial and business establishments, Ponape States Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, 1984. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Conservation & Surveillance. Pac. HF4039.P7 D5 1984 IN
Book Directory of information sources in Japan 1986 Ref.Z845.J4D57 1986 IN
Book Directory of institutions of small island developing states : volume 3 Pac.HD87.25.U55 1996 IN
 2 Directory of libraries and archives in the Pacific Islands
 2 A directory of libraries and information resources in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands
 2 A directory of libraries and information sources in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands
Book Directory of libraries, archives and museums in Micronesia Cohen, Arlene. Pac.Z871.M5 C63 IN
Book Directory of libraries for Hawaii and the Pacific. Yen, Cynthia D. Pac.Z870.L77 1989 IN
Serial Directory of library automation Ref.Z678.9.A3D57 IN
Serial Directory of library automation software, systems, and services. Ref.Z678.9.A3D57 IN
Book Directory of marine environmental centres in South Pacific Pac.GC1015.2.M37 1985 IN
Serial Directory of Michigan libraries Ref.Z732.M6M775 2000 IN
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