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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Roland W. Burris, U.S. Senator from Illinois, tributes in the Congress of the United States Gov.Y1.1/3:111-27 IN
Mixed A role for anthropology in Micronesian social program development : for presentation at ASAO special session: the role of anthropology in contemporary Micronesia Borthwick, Mark Pac.GN669.B67 1978 IN
Book Role of agriculture in economic development Hiyane, James T. Pac.S479.M5H64 1970 IN
Book The role of agriculture in the development of LDCs and their integration into the world economy. Doc.HD1417.R65 2002 IN
Book Role of agriculture in the development of least-developed countries and their integration into the world economy Doc.HD1417.R65 2002 IN
Book The role of American NGOs in China's modernization : invited influence Wheeler, Norton, 1948- JZ4841.W54 2013 IN
Mixed Role of anthropology in contemporary Micronesia. Mason, Leonard Pac.GN669.M37 1978 IN
Book The role of anthropology in contemporary micronesia : a situation report Mason, Leonard. 1913- Pac.GN669.M375 IN
Mixed Role of antropology in contemporary Micronesia. Borthwick, Mark Pac.GN669.B67 1978 IN
Book The role of biotechnology in exploring and protecting agricultural genetic resources FAO.S494.5.B563R65 2006 IN
Book Role of civil society in promoting a just and lasting peace in the Middle East : an Israeli-Palestinian dialogue : proceedings of the International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East, organized by the United Nations Department of Public Information in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China : 16 and 17 June 2004, Beijing, China. International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East (2004 : Beijing, China) Doc.DS119.76.I584 2004 IN
Serial The Role of culture in economic development
Book The role of education in affecting changes in attitudes and values toward strategies of elite selection : Micronesia under an American administration Aames, Jacqueline Snyder, 1943- Pac.GN669.A25 1976 IN
Language The role of education in language planning in American Samoa Baldauf, Richard B., 1943- Pac.P40.5.L35B35 1981a c.2 IN
eBook The role of educators in preventing and responding to child abuse and neglect Crosson-Tower, Cynthia. Gov.HE25.2:C43/4/CD IN
Book Role of faith-based organizations and nongovernmental organizations during disasters : final report, December 18, 2006 Gov.HS 1.2:F 17 IN
Serial Role of GIS technology during leprosy elimination efforts in Pohnpei
Book Role of government in Pacific Island economies Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit. East Asia and Pacific Region. Pac.HC681.E545 1998 IN
Mixed The role of history in the Pacific islands school curriculum VerF(2) 0143 Pac. IN
Book Role of in-house research and development, 1945-2000 Lassman, Thomas Charles. Gov.D114.2:W37 IN
Book The Role of incentives in family planning programmes. United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Book The role of information and communication technologies in global development : analyses and policy recommendations Doc.HC79.I55R65 2005 IN
Book The role of international investment agreements in attracting foreign direct investment to developing countries. Doc.HG5993.R68 2009 IN
Book The role of local institutions in reducing vulnerability to recurrent natural disasters and in sustainable livelihoods development : Philippines FAO.HV555.P6R652006 IN
Mixed The role of low cost communications in health in the redevelopment of the indigenous physician workforce among selected jurisdictions of the US-associated Pacific Islands Dever, Gregory J. VerF 0520.00 Pac IN
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