Title |
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Subject headings
Subject headings manual.
Library of Congress Cataloging Policy and Support Office
Gov.LC 26.8/2013 UPDATE No.1
IN |
A subject index to references concerning the Caroline and Mariana Islands
del Valle, Maria Teresa.
Pac.Z5116.C3V24 1972
IN |
Subject series.
IN |
Sublokatorka. English
Krall, Hanna.
PG7170.R28S813 1992
IN |
Submarine : a guided tour inside a nuclear warship
Clancy, Tom, 1947-
V875.5.C55 1993
IN |
Submarine geology
Shepard, Francis Parker, 1897-
IN |
Submerged cultural resources assessment of Micronesia
Pac.DU500..C37 1991
IN |
Submerged cultural resources inventory : Mili Atoll
Pac.DU710.H65 2001
IN |
Submerged cultural resources study.
Pac.D767.92.S85 1989
IN |
Submission and evaluation of pesticide residues data for the estimation of maximum residue levels in food and feed.
FAO.SF98.P46S84 2009
IN |
Subsistence agriculture
Subsistence agriculture and fisheries in the Federated States of Micronesia ; report to the South Pacific Bureau of Economic Co-operation (Forum Secretariat)
Connell, John
Pac.S471.M52C67 1991
IN |
Subsistence agriculture in Melanesia.
Barrau, Jacques.
Pac.AM101.B442 no.219 1976
IN |
Subsistence agriculture in Polynesia and Micronesia
Barrau, Jacques.
Pac.S471.B4 1961
IN |
Subsistence and settlement on Pingelap Atoll : results from the 2017 field season
Levin, Maureece J.
Pac.DU568.P55L48 2018
IN |
Subsistence and survival : rural ecology in the Pacific
IN |
Subsistence farming on Ponape
Bascom, William Russell, 1912-
VerF 0017.49 Pac
IN |
Subsistence hunting of marine turtles in Papua New Guinea
Spring, C. Sylvia
VerF.1309 Pac.
IN |
Subsistence hunting of turtles in the Western Pacific : The Caroline Islands
The subsistence sector in the South Pacific.
Pac.HC683.S45 1974
IN |
Substance abuse and mental health : audit report No.006-08, September 30, 2007
Pac.HV4999.3.M625S1 2009
IN |
Substance abuse counseling
Lewis, Judith A., 1939-
RC564.L49 2011
IN |
Substance abuse curriculum grades 4-8.
Ruwey, Ignathia
Pac.RC564.R89 1992
IN |
Substance abuse epidemiological profile.