View previous page View next page Title Search: Tilapias as alien aquatics in Asia and the Pacific : a review
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Book The Hawaiian language and Hawaiian-English dictionary : a complete grammar Judd, Henry P. (Henry Pratt), b. 1880. Pac.PL6443.J82 1939 IN
Book The health aspects of food and nutrition : | a manual for developing countries in the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organizatio World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Western Pacific. Pac.TX345.W66 1969 IN
Book The HEP higher education directory Ref.L901.H46 2009 IN
Serial The hidden pain : drunkennes and domestic violence in Palau
Mixed The High school drop-out problem : perspectives of teachers Bridgeland, John M. VF 349 BRI 2009 IN
Book The home energy guide for the Pacific : energy efficiency for the domestic householder Pac.TJ163.4.O3H66 2008 IN
Book The Honolulu Board of Realtors. Pac.Per.HD251.H645 1984 IN
Video The hunt for Zarqawi MITC DVD 899 IN
Book The illustrated Oahu tripmap : Hawaii's finest travel guide. Pac.DU628.O3B44 1971 IN
Book The impact of an in-country Peace Corps training program on the host country. Gillmar, Jack. Pac.HC60.5.G41 1968 IN
Book The impact of the foreign workers on Truk State's plan for economic development. Xavier High School (Truk, Micronesia). Pac.DU568.T7X3T 1989 IN
Mixed The implementation of the Compact of Free Association with the Federated States of Micronesia, June 10, 2008. VerF.1220 Pac. IN
Serial The insect life of Arno Usinger, R.L.
Book The international relations of the Southwest Pacific : new visions and voices Baker, Richard W. Pac.JX1589.B35 1991 IN
Serial The international waters project : strengthening environmental management : improving sewage disposal in Tuvalu. Secretariat of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme.
 2 The Island connection: oil trade between Singapore and the Pacific Islands.
Video The island edge of times, Palau MITC VC 610 IN
Video The Japanese distribution system MITC VC 484 IN
Book The Japanese market for handcrafts / |c Samuel Osifelo. Osifelo, Samuel. Pac.TT101.O2 1987 IN
Serial The Journal of Pacific History. Pac.Per.DU1.J68 1996 IN
Serial The Journal of Pacific History 2007
Serial The Journal of the Asia Pacific clinical nutrition society. Pac.Per.RC583.A5 1997 v.6:1 IN
Mixed The Journal of the Pacific History v.28:1 1993.
Mixed The Journal of the Pacific History v.29:1 1994.
Serial The Journal of the Papua and New Guinea Society. Pac.AY1730.P37P36 1970 IN
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