View previous page View next page Title Search: Pacific friend
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Pacific Islands Regional Economic Report : Embarking on a global voyage : trade liberalization and complementary reforms in the Pacific Pac.HD105.P33 2001 IN
GRAPHIC Pacific Islands Regional Fisheries Observers (PIRFO) Purse-seine fish ID cards Pac.QL623.6.P33 2014 IN
Book Pacific islands regional marine species program 2013-2017 Pac.QL132.2.S48 2012 IN
Serial Pacific Islands report. Pac.Per.DU1.P335 IN
Book Pacific islands report for the U.S. Global Change Research Program. Shea, Eileen L. Pac.QC993.M5P74 2001 IN
Serial The Pacific islands report : regional news and journalism training project
Book Pacific Islands social & human development Pac.HN930.7.A8P33 1995 IN
Book Pacific Islands speaking. Sperry, Armstrong, 1897- Pac.DU29.S65 IN
Book Pacific Islands studies and notes. Pac.Z4501.P34 IN
Book Pacific Islands : the Spanish legacy Pac.DU645.P32 1998 IN
Book The Pacific islands today : people and places Pac.DU23.S87 IN
Book Pacific Islands tourism development council marketing plan, 1976-1979. Fawcett McDermott Cavanagh, Inc. (Honolulu, Hawaii) Pac.G155.O3F6 IN
Book Pacific islands trade 2010 to 2014 Hughes, Sally-Anne. Pac.HD2346.O3H86 2015 IN
Book Pacific Islands trade directory. Pac.HF5318.55P58 IN
Book Pacific Islands Training Initiative. Camberg, Cindy Pac.HF5621.C14 1989 IN
Book Pacific Islands treaties and agreements with the United States United States. Pac.KZ236U52 1998 IN
Serial Pacific Islands trochus introductions 1927-1998
Mixed Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the Deputy High Comissioner. Wright, C. H. VerF 0391.49 Pac IN
 3 Pacific islands under Japanese mandate
Book Pacific Islands Women's Conference on Employment and Labor Market Development: May 7-8, 1987 / Faye Untalan-Munoz. Munoz, Faye U. Pac.HD6220.43.M85 1987 IN
Book Pacific Islands Workshop for College Librarians in Hawaii, April 8-9, 1974, Manoa Campus, University of Hawaii (Honolulu, Hawaii). Pacific Islands Workshop for College Librarians in Hawaii (1974 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Pac.DU1.H379 1974 IN
Book Pacific Islands Workshop for Secondary School Librarians and Social Studies Teachers in Hawaii : [proceedings] : June 13-14, 1974, University of Hawaii Pacific Islands Workshop for Secondary School Librarians and Social Studies Teachers in Hawaii (1974 : University of Hawaii at Manoa) Pac.DU1.H379 1974 IN
Book Pacific Islands writing : the postcolonial literatures of Aotearoa/New Zealand and Oceania Keown, Michelle, 1972- Pac.PN849.O26K46 2007 IN
Serial Pacific Islands year book Pac.DU1.P15 1978 IN
Serial Pacific Islands yearbook. Pac.DU1.P15 1978 IN
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