Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Training program in statistics : course outline (Intermediate level)
Trust Territory Headquarters. Statistics Division. Office of Planning & Statistics.
IN |
Training program Micronesia VII.
IN |
Training seminar on village hygienenand health education.
Training Seminar on Village Hygiene and Health Education (1965 : Port-Vila, Vanuatu).
Pac.RA422.T73 1965
IN |
Training the majority : guidelines for the rural Pacific
Bamford, G. N.
Pac.LC5148.O3B36 1986
IN |
Gibbons, Gail.
CRC.Pic.G52 1987
IN |
Trakkil faiya.
Ngirbabul, Rosario Elameto.
Pac.PL6302.S359N45 1978 v.1
IN |
La trama
Pavià Molina, Carlos Luis.
PQ6666.A867 T73 2016
IN |
Trance and mediums in the Palau Islands
Leonard, Ann
IN |
McGrory, Brian.
PB MCG 2008
IN |
Rainwater, Lee.
E185.86 .R3 1970
IN |
The trans formers: more than meets the eye: insection attack!/
Rosenfeld, Dana
CRC Pic.R68 1985
IN |
Transaction in kinship : adoption and fosterage in Oceania
Pac GN 663 T72
IN |
Transactional change in an atoll matrilineage.
Severance, Craig J.
Transboundary flood risk management : experiences from the UNECE region.
Doc.TC455.T73 2009
IN |
The transcendent function : Jung's model of psychological growth through dialogue with the unconscious
Miller, Jeffrey C., 1951-
BF175.5.I53M55 2004
IN |
Transconfigurations in the study of mobility : perspectives from Satowan Atoll, Chuuk
Bautista, Lola Quan.
Pac.JV9452.B31 2001 Pt. 1
IN |
The transcontinental railroad : triumph of a dream
Elish, Dan.
TF25.P23E38 1993
IN |
Transcript of Public hearing : Department of the Army permit applications no. PODCO-0-1392-SD for Truk International Airport extension and widening project and no. PODCO-O 1394-SD fir tge POU Bay Causeway Improvements Project at Moen Island, Truk District, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
TTPI.HD1527.C2T7 1978
IN |
Transcription of Werber diary.
Werber, Lamber Paul
IN |
Transcultural child development : psychological assessment and treatment
RJ507.M54T7 1997
IN |
Transcultural management : a new approach for global organizations
Funakawa, Atsushi.
HD62.4.F858 1997
IN |
Transcultural nursing.
Leininger, Madeleine M.
RT86.54.L44 2002
IN |
Transcultural nursing : concepts, theories, research and practice
Leininger, Madeleine M.
RT86.54.L44 2002
IN |
Transcultural research in mental health.
Pac.RA790.A1T7 1969 c.1
IN |
Transfer handbook
Pac.LG961.H4dT73 1999
IN |