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Serial Land snails of Dano' (Cocos Island), Mariana Islands
GRAPHIC Land species MITC CD 51 IN
 2 Land statistics.
Book Land statistics: public land and private land, June 30, 1968. Pac.HD1129.M5L36 1968 IN
 2 Land surveyor's examination.
Book Land tenure among Arno Marshallese Rynkiewich, Michael A. Pac.HD1121.M32R9 1972 IN
Book Land Tenure among the Garia : the traditional system of a New Guinea people Lawrence, Peter, 1921- Pac.GN489.1.L33 1955 IN
Book Land tenure and conservation : protected areas in the South Pacific. Eaton, Peter. Pac.HC681.Z9E5762 IN
Mixed Land tenure and land classification. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Division of Land Management. Resources and Development.
Book Land tenure and modernization in the Yap Islands Marksbury, Richard A. Pac.HD1129.Y3M34 IN
Book Land tenure and natural disasters Mitchell, David (David Peter) FAO.HD1251.M57 2011 IN
Book Land tenure and rural productivity in the Pacific Islands. Pac.HD1511.O3L36 1984 IN
Mixed Land tenure and social structure in Micronesia Sudo, Ken-ichi VerF 0164.87 Pac IN
Book Land tenure and the small farmer in Asia Pac.HD1476.A85L36 1983 IN
Serial Land tenure development in Micronesia McGrath, William A.
Book Land tenure in Micronesia : fiscal year 1971 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of the Interior. Pac.HD1126.P33 1971 IN
Book Land tenure in Niue Pac.HD1129.N58L35 1977 IN
Book Land tenure in Oceania Lundsgaarde, Henry Peder. Pac.HD1126.L85 1974 IN
Book Land tenure in the Atolls : Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Tokelau, Tuvalu Pac.HD1120.7.L36 1987 IN
Book Land tenure in the Cook Islands Crocombe, R. G. Pac.HD1121.C6C7 1967 IN
 3 Land tenure in the Marshall Islands
 2 Land tenure in the Pacific
Serial Land tenure in the Pacific : a symposium of the Tenth Pacific Science Congressconvened by Edwin Doran, Jr. Pac.HD1126.O25A7 1961 IN
Book Land tenure in the Pacific Islands : selected readings Pac.HD1126.L23 1992 IN
Mixed Land tenure in the Truk District Fischer, John L. VerF 0572.50a IN
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