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  Title Author Call Number Status
Video A small act MITC DVD 1107 IN
Book A small town called Hibiscus Hua, Gu. PL2874.H78S6 1983 IN
Book A soft pillow for an Armadillo CRC LB1631.H43te 1993 Gr.3:1 IN
Video A special kind of people. MITC VC 105 IN
Book A state plan for attracting and qualifying teachers to meet critical teacher shortagesm pursuant to the provisions of part B, subpart 2, of the education professions development act, a part of title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended and extended Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Education. Pac.LA2270.M625P33 IN
Book A status study of commercial cinema in the Pacific Islands Takeuchi, Floyd K. Pac.DU1.H379 1979 IN
Video A story of Micronesia. MITC VC 96 IN
Book A strategy for Micronesian regional cooperation : Main report, Asian Development Bank. Pac.HC681.7.S77 1996 vol. 1 IN
Book A strategy for Micronesian regional cooperation : Proposed fast-track projects, programs and policies, Asian Development Bank. Pac.HC681.7.S77 1996 vol. 2 IN
Mixed A string of pearls : preserving the Federated States of Micronesia's globally important natural heritage VerF.1146 Pac. IN
Serial A Study of acculturation in Micronesia under the Japanese Mandate
Book A study of musical instruments from the Eastern Caroline Islands in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum Collection Evans, Donald E. Pac.GN468.C6E8 1974 IN
Book A study of rhinoceros beetle damage in coconut palms. Young, Euan. Pac.QL596.S3Y7 1975 IN
Serial A study of the coastal seawater in Yap Island and Ulithi Atoll, Federated States of Micronesia, 2001
Book A study of the diet, nutrition and health of the people of the Chimbu area (New Guinea highlands) Venkatachalam, P. S. Pac.QP141.V4 1962 IN
Book A study of the economic feasibility of producing, harvesting & marketing alfalfa on Molokai, Hawaii. Schermerhorn, Richard W. Pac.S544.H393S34 1978 IN
Book A summary of capital improvement projects needed in Palau District. Pac.DU780.S86 1975 IN
Mixed A summary trip report : President's task force on the College of Micronesia VerF.0950 Pac. IN
Book A survey of cultural resources on Namdik Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands Mead, Leslie A. Pac.DU710 .M43 2003 IN
Book A survey of Micronesian immigrants to Guam : predictors of coping and access to life essentials Smith, Kyle D. Pac.JV9452.S65 1994 IN
Book A surveyor’s role in planning Welch, Harold J. Pac.TA520.W45 1967 IN
Book A Synchorological study of the swamp forests in the Micronesian Islands Hosokowa, Takahide Pac.SD115.M625H67 1952 IN
Book A Synopsis of information relating to sustainable coastal fisheries - volume 4 Dalzell, Paul Pac.SH319.A2D35 2002 IN
Book A synopsis of the North American Centipes of the order scolopendromorpha Shelley, Rowland M. QL449.5.S4 2002 IN
Book A synopswis of information relating to sustainable coastal fisheries - volume 4 Dalzell, Paul Pac.SH334.D34 2002 IN
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