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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Cataloging nonprint and internet resources : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians Weber, Mary Beth Ref.Z695.24.W36 2002 IN
Serial Cataloging service bulletin Gov.LC30.7/2:114 IN
Book Cataloging with AACR2 and MARC21 Fritz, Deborah A. (Deborah Angela), 1955- Ref.Z694.15.A56F75 2007 IN
 2 Cataloging with AACR2 and MARC21 : for books, electronic resources, sound recordings, videorecordings, and serials
Book Catálogo de productos y servicios de Head Start, 2005 United States. Head Start Bureau. Gov.HE25.2:H34/2006/SPAN./ENG. IN
Book Catalogue de la formation halieutique Pac.SH332.2.03.F57 1993 IN
 3 Catalogue de la formation halieutique : possibilités de formation offertes au secteur des péches des pays océaniens
Book Catalogue de la formation halieutique : possibilit†s de formation offertes au secteur des pžches des pays oc†aniens Blanc, Michel. Pac.SH332.2.O3F57 2001 IN
Book Catalogue des publications de la Commission du pacifique sud South Pacific Commission. Pac.Z5055.N65C38 1985 IN
Book Catalogue of American publications in what is now the United States. 1639-1775. Haven, Samuel F. (Samuel Foster), 1831-1862. Ref.Z1215.A3 1967 IN
Book Catalogue of College of Guam Pac.LG961.G82 l994 IN
Book Catalogue of fine art United States. Congress. Senate. Gov.Y1.1/3:107-11 IN
Book Catalogue of recordings of Pacific Islands music South Pacific Commission. Pac.Z976.O3S6 IN
Book Catalogue of South Pacific Commission publications = Catalogue des publications de la Commission du pacifique sud, 1980-1985/ South Pacific Commission. Pac.Z5055.N65C38 1985 IN
Book Catalogue of theses and dissertations relating to Micronesia Coppell, W. G. (William George) Pac.Z4501.M5C64 IN
Book Catalogue of theses and dissertations relating to the Samoan islands Coppell, W. G. (William George) Pac.Z4501S3C65 IN
Book Catalogue of translations of Japanese geological literature of the Pacific islands; through 31 December 1958 United States. Army Pacific. Pac.Z6034.I74U53 IN
Book Catalogue of vessel plans available from the FAO/UNDP South Pacific Regional Fishery Support Programme. Pac.VM17.C28 1990 IN
Book Cataloguing and processing protocol Pac.Z695.M565 2001 IN
Book Cataract in adults : management of functional impairment RE451.C28 1993 IN
Book Catastrophe in Japan : the earthquake and tsunami of 2011 HV600.T64C38 2011 IN
Book Catastrphe theory Arnold, V. I. (Vladimir Igorevich), 1937- QA614.58.A76 1992 IN
Book The catch : a Joe Gunther novel Mayor, Archer. PB MAY 2009 IN
Book Catch a sunflake CRC LB1575.8.C38tg 1993 IN
Book Catch and cook shellfish Raymond, Dorothy. TX753.R274 1973 IN
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