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  Title Author Call Number Status
 5 Guam
Book Guam '79: Facing the New Pacific Era : Annual Economic Review. Pac.HC681.A1G83 1979 IN
Book Guam, 1898-1918 Farrell, Don A. Pac.DU647.F37 IN
Book Guam, 2000. : 2000 census of population and housing. Gov.C3.223/23-2:2000-PHC-4-GUA IN
Book Guam : a natural history Cunningham, Lawrence J. 1943- Pac.QH198.G8.C86 2001 IN
Book Guam : a nomenclatural chronology Driver, Marjorie G. Pac.DU647.A3D75 1985 IN
Serial Guam (Agana, Guam) Pac.HC687.G8A17 IN
 2 Guam Agricultural Experiment Station
Book Guam Agricultural Experiment Station : annual report Guam Agricultural Experiment Station. Pac.S400.G8A3 1982 IN
Serial Guam Agricultural Experiment Station, bulletin Pac.S400.G8U529 IN
Serial Guam agricultural experiment station : research report III Guam Agriculture Experiment Station. Pac.S542.G82G83a IN
Computer Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Gov.C3.223/23-2:2000 PHC-4-08- IN
Book Guam: an investor's paradise : selections and highlights from the proceedings of Business and Investment Prospects on Guam, a conference held in Honolulu ... August 4, 1970. Conference on Business and Investment Prospects on Guam (1970 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Pac.HG5987.G8C65 1970 IN
Book Guam and islands of Micronesia : Guam, Saipan, Rota, Tinian, Belau, Chuuk, Yap, Pohnpei, Majuro Warner, Mitchell. Pac. DU500.2 .W39 1991 c.1 IN
Book Guam and its people : with a village journal by Jesus C. Barcinas Thompson, Laura, 1905- Pac. DU 647 .T5 1947 IN
 3 Guam and Micronesia
Serial Guam and Micronesia : a special issue reporting on developments in the Central Pacific.
 2 Guam & Micronesia glimpses.
Serial Guam & Micronesia Glimpses 1987 June
 2 Guam and Micronesia Glimpses 1990 4th Qrt.
 7 Guam & Micronesia Glimpses, 1990 4th quarter
Book Guam and Micronesia : reef fish and critter I.D. Witte, Astrid. Pac.QL345.G43 W58 1996 IN
Serial Guam and Micronesia reference sources
Book Guam and Micronesia : reprinted from the Sunset book, islands of the South Pacific Pac.DU500.G83 1972 IN
Book Guam and Micronesian libraries: historical events, information sources and others Wang, Chih Z874.M625.W11 2005 IN
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