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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book American romanticism PS217.R6A44 2000 IN
 6 American Samoa.
Book American Samoa : 100 years under the United States flag Shaffer, J. Robert. Pac.DU819.A1S53 2000 IN
Book American Samoa, 2000. : 2000 census of population and housing. Gov.C3.223/23-2:2000 IN
Serial American Samoa annual report to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior Office of Samoan Information. Pac.DU819.A1A5 IN
 3 American Samoa annual report to the Secretary of the Interior
Book American Samoa coastal management program and draft environmental impact statement Pac.HT395.A53A53 IN
Book American Samoa coastal management program and final environmental impact statement National Ocean Survey. Office of Coastal Zone Management. Pac. HT395 A53 A532 IN
Book American Samoa code. American Samoa. Pac.KH400.S25 1973 v.1 IN
Book American Samoa community profile - l978 : American Samoa water resources study United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Honolulu District. Pac.TD323.A6U533 1979 IN
Book American Samoa economic report. Pac.HC687.A1S35 1997 IN
Book The American Samoa emergency energy conservation plan American Samoa. Territorial Energy Office. Pac.HD9502.A547A54 1982 IN
Book American Samoa Energy audit training manual for schools and hospitals Pac Samoa 29 IN
Book American Samoa government monthly report American Samoa. Pac.JQ6231.A44 1979 IN
Book American Samoa inhabitants Pac.HA4018.5.A4 1971 IN
Serial American Samoa National Park of American Samoa, American Samoa. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:AM 3/2014 IN
Book American Samoa needs effective aid to improve government operations and become a self-supporting territory : report United States. General Accounting Office. Pac.HC687.S3U586 1978 IN
Book American Samoa plan for health : 1980-84 American Samoa Health Coordinating Council. Pac.RA558.A54 1980 IN
Book American Samoa population census of 1970. Pac.HA4018.5.A4 1971 IN
Book American Samoa population profile : a guide for planners and policy-makers Rakaseta, Vilimaina L. Pac.HB393.7.A3R35 1999 IN
Mixed American Samoa rejects an elected Governor Meller, Norman. VerF 0200.75 Pac IN
Mixed American Samoa rejects an elected governor / Norman Miller Meller, Norman VerF 0200.75 Pac IN
Book American Samoa report. Pac.DU819.A1.U5 1961 IN
Book American Samoa statistical yearbook American Samoa. Dept. of Commerce. Statistics Division. Pac.HA4018.5.A13 2005 IN
Serial American Samoa : stepping toward self-determination
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