View previous page View next page Title Search: Marianas plain pottery from the Tanapag site, Saipan, Mariana Islands
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Marine ornamental species : collection, culture, and conservation SF457.1.M36 2003 IN
Book Marine ornamentals trade : quality and sustainability for the Pacific Region South Pacific Forum Secretariat. Trade and Investment Division. Pac.SF457.1.S68 1999 IN
Mixed Marine plants of Pohnpei and Ant Atoll : Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Magnoliophyta Hodgson, Lynn M. VerF 0899.00 Pac. IN
Mixed Marine plants of Pohnpei and Ant Atoll : Rhodophyta, with biogeographic comparisons to other Pacific atolls and island groups McDermid, Karla J. [et al] VerF0928.2002 Pac. IN
Book Marine policy for America : the United States at sea Mangone, Gerard J. GC1005.2.M36 1977 IN
Book Marine pollution. Gorman, Martha, 1952- GC1085.G67 1993 IN
Book Marine protected areas and fisheries FAO.SH329.M35F57 2011 IN
Book Marine protected areas : country case studies on policy, governance, and institutional issues FAO.H1.F2 2011 no.556/1 IN
Book Marine protected areas : country case studies on policy, governance and institutional issues : Japan - Mauritania - Philippines - Samoa FAO.SH1.F2 2013 no.556/2 IN
Book Marine protected areas in Palau. Mersai, Charlene T. and Craig J. Severance. Pac.QH91.75.A1M55 IN
Book Marine ranching FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book Marine reconnaissance survey of proposed sites for a small boat harbor in Agat Bay, Guam Chernin, Mitchell I. Pac.QH541.C54 IN
Book Marine red algae of the Hawaiian Islands Abbott, Isabella Aiona. Pac.QK569.R4A235 1999 IN
Serial Marine research moves forward in Palau.
Book Marine reserves : a guide to science, design, and use Sobel, Jack A. Ref.QH91.75.A1S63 2004 IN
Book Marine resource development in Micronesia : a report to the Congress of Micronesia, Fifth Congress of Micronesia, first regular session Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Marine Resources. Pac.SH319.M5P3 1973 IN
Book A marine resource directory for the island of Oahu, 1 September 1981/ Richard, Melissa L. Pac.GC10.R53 1981 IN
Book Marine Resource Management Training. Asian Development Bank. Pac.SH329.F44M58 1996 IN
Book Marine resource workshop for decision makers. Federated States of Mirconesia Pac.GC1114.F31 1996 IN
Book Marine resources : a top priority Wilson, Peter T Pac.SH319.M5W55 1970 IN
Book Marine resources bibliography of Guam Izumi, Masanami. Pac.GC1023.98.G8I8 1993 IN
Book Marine resources bibliography of the Federated States of Micronesia Izumi, Masanami. Pac.SH319.M52I9 1992 IN
Book Marine resources bibliography of the Marshall Islands Izumi, Masanami. Pac.GC1023.98.M3 I89 IN
 3 Marine Resources Conference
Book The Marine resources of Palmerston Island, Cook Islands : report of a survey carried out in September 1988 Pac.SH319.A2T38 1995 no.10 IN
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