View previous page View next page Title Search: Festival of arts.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Recording Field recordings made in Ulithi music of Asor III. MITC CD 107 C IN
Recording Field recordings made in Ulithi music of Mogmog. MITC CD 108 IN
Sound Field recordings made in Yap in 1963 by Barbara B Smith : CD 1: Music of UN Day celebration Smith, Barbara B. 1920- Pac.CD:001 1963 OUT
Recording Field recordings made in Yap music of Colonia. MITC CD 106 IN
Recording Field recordings made in Yap music of UN day celebration. MITC CD 104 IN
Recording Field recordings made in Yap traditional music or Ruul and Gilman. MITC CD 105 IN
Book Field representative's manual United States. Bureau of the Census. Gov.C 3.6/2:AM 3/6 IN
Book Field representative's manual, consumer expenditure quarterly survey, interview procedures Gov.C3.6/2:C76/3/2007 IN
Book Field representative's manual, interview procedures, consumer expenditure quarterly survey Gov.C3.6/2:C76/3/2007 IN
Book Field study fiascoes and expedition disasters Pac.D422.I9B67 1996 IN
Book A field study of the rats in the Marianas and Palaus. Enders, Robert K. (Robert Kendall), 1899-1988. Pac.QL737.R6E5 IN
Book Field survey of Ponape : World War II features Denfeld, D "Colt" (Duane 'Colt') Pac.DU500.5.T73 IN
Book Field survey of some clay products in Yap, Palau and Truk. Hill, Neville R. Pac.TN943.M5H55 1979 IN
Book Field survey of Truk Denfeld, Duane Pac.DU568.T7D4 IN
Book Field survey of Truk : World War II features Denfeld, D Colt (Duane "Colt") Pac.DU500.5.T73 IN
Book Field testing of clays and identification of technically feasable product technologies in Palau, Truk & Yap Petersham, Miska Pac.QE185.M5P48 1980 IN
GRAPHIC Field trip photos MITC CD 64 IN
Mixed Field trip report (March 10-13, 1974), marine resources project locates on Dublon Islands in Truk District VerF.0550 Pac. IN
Book Field working Chiseri-Strater, Elizabeth. GN346.S44 1997 IN
Book Fieldbook of Pacific Northwest sea creatures McLachlan, Dan H., 1942- QL138.M456 1979 IN
Book Fielding's the world's most dangerous places Pelton, Robert Young. G151.P45 1995 IN
Book Fieldwork and families : constructing new models for ethnographic research Pac.GN662.F54 1998 IN
Book FieldWorking : reading and writing research Chiseri-Strater, Elizabeth. GN346.S44 1997 IN
Video Fierce creatures John Cleese. MITC VC 748 IN
Book Fifi'i Treadaway, Julian. Pac.PR9670.S63T73 2002 IN
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