View previous page View next page Title Search: WW II wrecks of the Kwajalein and Truk Lagoons
  Title Author Call Number Status
 3 World War II,
Video World war II : allied victory. MITC VC 247 IN
Book World War II and its origins : a select annotated bibliography of books in English Bloomberg, Marty. Z6207.W8B5 1976 IN
Book World War II features of Chuuk. Denfeld, D Colt (Duane "Colt") Pac.DU500.5.T73 IN
 2 World War II features on Pohnpei.
Book World War II, film, and history D743.23.W67 1996 IN
Serial World War II flashback.
Book World War II histories and historical reports in the U.S. Naval History Division : partial checklist United States. Naval History Division. Operational Archives. Pac.CD3034.N38 1977 IN
Book World War II in the Pacific Roehrs, Mark D., 1965- Pac.D767.R53 2004 IN
Book World War II in the South Pacific Frankel, Stanley A. Pac.D769.F736 1992 IN
 2 World War II Memorial.
 2 World War II Memorial, Washington, D.C.
Mixed World War II memories in Micronesia. Falgout, Suzanne, 1949- VerF 0526.95 Pac. IN
Serial World War II memories in Palau.
Serial World War II memories in the Marshall Islands.
Serial World War II memories of a lighthouse in Yap.
Serial World War II memories of Charles Muller.
Serial World War II memories of Micronesians.
Serial World War II memories of Yapese.
Book World War II naval administrative histories United States. Navy Dept. Library. Pac.VB23.U55 1976 IN
Book World War II : opposing viewpoints D810.P85U68 1997 IN
Video World war II prologue U.S. MITC VC 246 IN
Book World War II remnants : Guam, Northern Mariana Islands : a guide and history Lotz, Dave. Pac.D767.99.G8L68 1994 IN
Book World War II, roots and causes D741.W67 1975 IN
Book World War II sites in Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia : a survey of underwater and terrestrial sites Bill, Jefrey Pac.D767.852.M5B55 2004 IN
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