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Book A proposal to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands to develop a total atoll production (TAP) system Oceanic Institute. Pac.SH133.M565.O24 1970 IN
Mixed A re-survey of the oyster resource in West Loch, Pearl Harbor. Honolulu, Hawaii. Department of Land and Natural Resources. VerF.1212 Pac. IN
Book A region wide plan for meeting the postsecondary education needs of: Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Belau, Republic of the Marshall Islands. College of Micronesia. Board of Regents. Pac.LG961.M5C644 1986 vol. 1 IN
Book A regional shellfish hatchery for the wider Caribbean : assessing its feasibility and sustainability : FAO Regional Technical Workshop, 18-21 October 2010, Kingston, Jamaica FAO.SH3.F27 2011 no.19 IN
Book A report on inspection trip to Yap in 2003 for development of pearl aquaculture project in Yap (Dec. 19, 2003) Ito, Masahiro ARC. Box 81 IN
Book A report on selected mainland markets for Hawaiian floral products. Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station. Pac.S399.E15 1958 IN
Book A report on the negative impacts of changes to the tax and tariff provisions of the compact of free associationf between the United States and the Federated States of Micronesia Pac.JQ6240.A5R47 1995 IN
Book A report on the people of Rongelap and Utirik relative to medical aspects of the March 1, 1954 incident injury, examination, and treatment Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Special Joint Committee Concerning Rongelap and Utirik Atolls. Pac.RA569.T78 1973 IN
Mixed A report on the Ponapean orthography workshop Rehg, Kenneth Pac.P240.2.K44 1972 IN
Book A report on the potential for the introduction of trochus (Trochus niloticus) to Tuvalu Parkinson, Brian J. Pac.SH377.5.P37 1986 IN
Book A report on the results of the census of the population, 1968 Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. Pac.HA4007.G5A13 1968 IN
Book A report on voactional education and manpower training on Guam Pac.LC1047.G85R47 1978 IN
Book A report to the Congress of Micronesia Stewart, William Herman, 1932- Pac.HD9259.C6M57 IN
Book A research of tuna longline fishing and fishery in Pohnpei. Fuke, Kenichi Pac.SH344.6.L64F91 IN
Mixed A Resolution Congress of Micronesia. Federated States of Micronesia. VerF.1174 Pac. IN
 2 A return visit between Puluwat and Saipan using Micronesian navigational techniques
Book A review of lessons learned best practice in integrated coastal watershed conservation and management initiatives in the Pacific islands region/ Whyte, Jenny Pac.HN49.C6W95 2002 IN
Serial A review of literature on native medicine in Micronesia with emphasis on Guam and the Mariana Islands
Book A review of the business activities and financial position of United Micronesian Development Association : Fifth Congress of Micronesia, first special session, July, 1974 : an interim report to the Congress of Micronesia Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Resources and Development. Pac.HC687.M5P33 1974 IN
Book A review of the South Pacific albacore troll fishery, 1985-1992 Labelle, Marc. Pac.SH351.T8T42 no.32 IN
Book A road map for improvement of student learning and support services through assessment Nichols, James O. (James Oliver), 1941- LB2331.63.N55 2005 IN
Video A Samoa Lumu MITC DVD 1316 IN
Serial A short history of the Skipjack survey and assessment program (SSAP) [part 2]
Book A simple emergency sail rig for small fishing boats Savins, Michael Pac.VM431.S28 1991 IN
Mixed A Slaughterhouse feasibility study. Lee, Samuel A.
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