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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Feasibility study Pac.TC355.D83 1978 IN
Book Feasibility study and preliminary design for fishing (tuna) vessel fuel storage and distribution Han-Padron Associates. Pac.SH334.H19 1992 IN
Book Feasibility study and preliminary design for fishing (tuna) vessel fuel storage and distribution : interim report Han-Padron Associates. Pac.SH334.H19 1993 c.2 IN
Book Feasibility study : commercial production of black pepper in Ponape, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Mott, William P. Pac.SB307.P4M6 IN
Book Feasibility study final report. Pac.HC241.25.O3P33 1990 IN
 2 Feasibility study for a latorex plant to be constructed at Ponape
Book Feasibility study for establishment of a large scale commercial rice production : Island of Ponape, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Pac.SB191.R5A5 IN
Book Feasibility study for producing pelleted shrimp feed in Fiji Cuzon, Gerard. Pac.SH380.62.F5C8 IN
 2 Feasibility study for Tawenjokola river bridge at Ponape, Eastern Caroline Islands, Trust Territory of Pacific Islands
Book Feasibility study Koror-Babelthuap causeway-bridge Palau District, Western Caroline Islands : final report Pac.TL726.9.M5R278 1970 v.5 IN
Serial Feasibility study of a single currency for Pacific islands : a principal components approach
Serial Feasibility study of a single currency for Pacific Islands ; a principle components approach
Mixed Feasibility study of commercial banana production : "a developmental plan for banana production in Ponape" Ponape Agriculture Department. VerF.1118 Pac. IN
Book Feasibility study on crude coconut oil processing : Proposal for services Office of the High Commissioner. ARC. TTPI 06 IN
Book Feasibility study on the oil palm production in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Overseas Agricultural Development Co., LTD. Pac.S479.3.T7O8 1973 IN
Mixed Feasibility study proposal : Pepper plantation, Ponape Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
Book A feasibility study report on the construction of freezer and cold storage plants in the Federated States of Mironesia Japan Consulting Institute Pac.TP372.2.F32 1982 IN
Book Feasibility study : state acquisition of Bishop Museum Chang, Samuel B. K., 1931- Pac.AM101.B47C43 1972 IN
Book Feasibility study: Yap airport-harbor interrelationship, Yap District Western Caroline Islands : final report Pac.TL726.9.M5R278 1971 v.3 IN
Book Feasibility study-Yap Airport, Yap District, Western Caroline Islands : final report Pac.TL726.9.M5R278 1970 v.1 IN
Book Feasibility study - Yap airport, Yap district, Western Caroline Islands for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Office of the High Commissioner : Final report, TT contract 171-33, AS-71-11, 15 March 1971 ARC. 2102:16 IN
Book Feasibility study-Yap harbor, Yap District Western Caroline Islands : final report Pac.TL726.9.M5R278 1971 v.II IN
Mixed Feast and famine : US assistance for the next two years and the Compact funding outlook Hezel, Francis X. VerF 0687.02 Pac. IN
Mixed Feast day in Kapingamarangi Moore, W. Robert. VerF 0548.50 Pac IN
Serial Feast day : the Philippines' national dish os the focal point of Guam's biggest party
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