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 2 Social change in Micronesia.
Mixed Social change in the Pacific Hezel, Francis X. VerF 0687.94 Pac. c.2 IN
Book Social change in the Pacific islands Pac.HN930.7.A8S63 1992 IN
Book Social change in the South Pacific : Rarotonga and Aitutaki /. Beaglehole, Ernest, 1906- Pac.GN405.B4 IN
Book Social change in the twentieth century Chirot, Daniel.
Video Social changes in Micronesia MITC DVD 926 IN
Book Social changes in the Southern Gilbert Islands; 1938-1964. Lundsgaarde, Henry Peder. Pac.DU615.L85 IN
Book Social commitments in a depersonalized world Lawler, Edward J. HM1106.L39 2009 IN
Book Social conflict and political unrest in Bengal, 1875-1927 Ray, Rajat Kanta. DS485 .B49 R35 1984 IN
Video Social constructionist ideas. MITC DVD 257 IN
Book The social contract Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778. JC179.R7S1 1973 IN
Book Social development in the South Pacific; report of the ninth meeting of the South Pacific Commission Research Council held at Noumea from May 17-28, 1958 South Pacific Commission. Research Council. Pac.Per.DU1.S586 no.122 IN
Book Social deviance : being, behaving, and branding Ward, David Andrew. HM291.W26 1994 IN
Book Social dimensions of integrated production and pest management : a case study in Mali Stemerding, Pieter. FAO.SB950.3.M35S74 2002 IN
Book Social dreaming Lawrence, W. Gordon. BF1078.L378 2005 IN
Book Social drinking contexts : proceedings of a workshop, September 17-19, 1979, Washington, D.C. HV5009.S1 1982 IN
Book The social dynamics of family violence Hattery, Angela. HV6626.H28 2012 IN
 4 Social, economic, and housing characteristics
Serial Social, Economic, and housing characteristics, Guam. Pac.HA4018.5.A4 1990 IN
Serial Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics--Republic of Palau. Pac.HA4007.P3A4 1992 IN
Book The social-economic impact of modern technology upon a developing insular region : Guam. Pac.DU647.G82 IN
Book The social effects of Typhoon Ophelia (1960) on Ulithi Lessa, William Armand, 1908- Pac.DU568.U5L45 1964 IN
Book Social engineering in the Philippines : the aims, execution and impact of American colonial policy Mary, Glen Anthony. Pac.DS685.M28 1980 IN
Book Social epidemiology : strategies for public health activism Cwikel, Julie. RA418.C95 2006 IN
Mixed The social fabric : Mironesian textiles patters and social order Rubinstein, Donald H. VerF 0163.93 Pac IN
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