Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Estimates of length measurement errors for tagged skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) from the central and western Pacific Ocean
Lawson, T. A.
Pac.SH351.T8S52 no.11
IN |
Estimates of Revenue & Expenditures for this year 1972
Gilbert & Ellice Islands Colony
IN |
Estimating cost-effectiveness of Hawaiian dry forest restoration using spatial changes in water yield and landscape flammability under climate change
Estimating the Ground Water Resources of Atoll Islands
Bailey, Ryan T.
Pac.GB1199.8.P58B15 2010
IN |
Estimating transmissivity and storage properties from aquifer tests in the southern Lihue basin, Kauai, Hawaii
Gingerich, Stephen B.
Pac.GB832.K38P47 1999
IN |
Estimation of Cocaine Availability
Gov.PREX 26.2:C 64
IN |
Estimation of heroin availability
IN |
Estimation of Heroin Availability, 1995-1998
Johnson, Patrick.
Gov.PREX 26.2:H 21/2
IN |
Estimation of solar insolation in Pacific Island sites
Droz, Tom
Pac.QC911.82.P176D76 1986
IN |
Estimation of the relative annual abundance of yellowfin tuna, thunnus albacares, in the Eastern Pacific Ocean during 1970-1985.
Pac.Per.QL614.I52 1987 v.21:3
IN |
Estimation of tuna fishing capacity from stock assessment-related information : workshop to further develop, test and apply a method for the estimation of tuna fishing capacity from stock assessment-related information, 14-16 May 2007, La Jolla, California, United States of America
Workshop to Further Develop, Test and Apply a Method for the Estimation of Tuna Fishing Capacity from Stock Assessment-Related Information (2007 : La Jolla, Calif.)
FAO.SH3.F27 2009 no. 16
IN |
Estimative products on Vietnam, 1984-1975.
PREX 3.21:V 67
IN |
Katus, Kalev.
IN |
Estoria siha gi fino' [Chamorro]
Marciano, Dolores I.
IN |
Estorian i dos bachet
Iguel, Sylvestre.
Pac.PL5295.Z77I47 1979 v.2
IN |
Estorian i dos patgon
Marciano, Dolores I.
Pac.PL5295.Z77M33 1979 v.1
IN |
Estorian i tailayi na biha.
Marciano, Dolores I.
Pac.PL5295.Z77M33 1979 v.1
IN |
Estorian Lukeiwa, i Pidus Kalahi.
Marciano, Dolores I.
Pac.PL5295.Z77M33 1979 v.1
IN |
Estorian Paka : Guam's spirit of recovery
Phillips, Bill
Pac.HV555.G85P45 1998
IN |
Estreyas Marianas : Chamorro
Borja, Joaquin Flores.
Pac.PL5295.6.B64 2006
IN |
Estuarine and marine pollution
Kennish, Michael J.
Ref.GC1085.K46 1997
IN |
Estuarine science : a synthetic approach to research and practice
GC97.E785 2000
IN |
Estudio económico de América Latina y el Caribe.
IN |
Vegetable trials in the "Motu" environment Huahine (French Polynesia
IN |