View previous page View next page Title Search: Japan : a global studies handbook
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Japan health handbook Maruyama, Meredith Enman. RA773.N379 1995 IN
Book Japan in global ocean politics Akaha, Tsuneo, 1949- Pac.JX4144.5.A53 1985 IN
Video Japan in Micronesia MITC VC 224 IN
Book Japan in the 21st century : environment, economy, and society = NijuŻisseiki no Nihon Karan, Pradyumna P. (Pradyumna Prasad) DS806.K385 2004 IN
Book Japan in the days of the samurai Schomp, Virginia. DS822.2.S35 2002 OUT
Book Japan in the South Pacific, 1885-1945. Peattie, Mark R. 1930- Pac.DU500.P4 IN
Book Japan in the twenty-first century Karan, Pradyumna P. (Pradyumna Prasad) DS806.K385 2004 IN
Book Japan in war and peace : selected essays Dower, John W. DS888.2.D68 1993 IN
Book Japan : patterns of continuity Maraini, Fosco. Ref.DS821.M267 1971 IN
Serial Japan plus: Asia-Pacific perspectives Pac.Per.DS820.8.P332 IN
 2 Japan plus. vol:4:3, 2006
Serial Japan plus. vol:4:9, 2007
Serial Japan provides $58,000,000 yen for Pohnpei Airport improvement.
Book Japan remodeled : how government and industry are reforming Japanese capitalism Vogel, Steven Kent. Pac.HC462.95.V64 2006 IN
Book Japan rising : the resurgence of Japanese power and purpose Pyle, Kenneth B. DS889.5.P95 2007 IN
Book Japan since 1945 : the rise of an economic superpower Smith, Dennis B. HC462.9.S578 1995 IN
Book Japan subdued : the atomic bomb and the end of World War in the Pacific Feis, Herbert, 1893-1972. D767.2 .F4 1961 IN
Book Japan swings : politics, culture, and sex in the new Japan McGregor, Richard, 1958- DS889.M382 1996 IN
Book The Japan that can say no Ishihara, Shintaro, 1932- E183.8.J3I74213 1991 IN
Book Japan, the air menace of the Pacific Davis, W. Jefferson (Warren Jefferson), b. 1885. Pac.UG635.J3D38 1970 IN
Book Japan : the coming collapse Reading, Brian. HC462.95.R4 1995 IN
Book Japan, the coming economic crisis Woronoff, Jon. HC462.9.W67 1992 IN
Book Japan, the fragile superpower Gibney, Frank, 1924- DS821.G513 1996 IN
Book Japan, the hungry guest : Japanese business ethics vs. those of the U.S. Seward, Jack. HF5387.S42 1985 IN
Book Japan-think, Ameri-think : an irreverent guide to understanding the cultural differences between us Collins, Robert J. DS822.5.C65 1992 IN
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