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Book Justice Improvement Commission Assistance and Program Development Community College of Micronesia ARC TTPI 12 IN
Serial Justice in Micronesia. Pac.K10.U79 v.1 no.1 IN
Mixed Justice issues in Micronesia Hezel, Francis X. VerF 0687.85 Pac. IN
Book Justice, legitimacy, and self-determination : moral foundations for international law Buchanan, Allen E., 1948- KZ3410.B83 2004 IN
Book Justice sector children's handbook : Guidelines to support the administration of juvenile justice. Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.HV9105.M5J87 2006 IN
Serial Justifiable homicide by police, police officers murdered by felons Brown, Jodi M. Gov.J1.2:P75/9 IN
Book Justification and design of limited entry alternatives for the offshore fisheries of American Samoa, and an examination of preferential fishing rights for native people of American Samoa within a limited entry context / Submitted to Ms. Kitty Simonds, Executive Director, Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council 1164 Bishop Street, Suite 1405, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Severance, Craig J. Pac.SH319.A3S48 1989 IN
Book Justification for the FY 1997 budget request. Pac.HJ203.C67 1996 IN
Book Justifications for appropriations, f/y ending June 30, 1971. Department of Finance.
Serial Justifications for appropriations, fiscal year ending June 30, 1967. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Public Land Management. Pac.HJ2199.T7A12 1967 IN
Serial Justifications for appropriations : fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, as submitted to Department of the Interior in January, 1971. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Pac.HJ2199.T7A12 1971 c.1 IN
Serial Justifications for appropriations : fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, as submitted to Department of the Interior in January, 1972. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) ARC. TTPI 01 IN
Serial Justifications for appropriations : fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, as submitted to Department of the Interior in January, 1973. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Pac.HJ2199.T7A12 1973 IN
Serial Justifications for appropriations : fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, as submitted to Department of the Interior in January, 1974. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Pac.HJ2199.T7A12 1974c.1 IN
Serial Justifications for appropriations : fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, as submitted to Department of the Interior in January, 1976. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Pac.HJ2199.T7A12 1975 IN
Book Justin and the best biscuits in the world Walter, Mildred Pitts. CRC Juv.W34 1993 IN
Book Juumemmej : Republic of the Marshall Islands social and economic report 2005. Pac.HN931.2.A85J886 2006 IN
Book Juvenile belles lettres Library of Congress. Ref.Z696.U5P83 2008 IN
 3 Juvenile crime
Book Juvenile crime : opposing viewpoints HV9069.J78 2002 IN
Book Juvenile delinquency Siegel, Larry J. HV9104.S53 1991 IN
Book Juvenile justice in Micronesia. Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.HV9105.M5J87 2006 IN
Book Juvenile literature.Pou and Miri : learn about climate change and growing food crops Pac.QC903.P68 2012 IN
Book Juvenile needs study Kenney, Michael L. Pac.HV9230.45.A6K33 1980 IN
Book K.A.P. Survey : Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Wolff, Robert J. Pac.HQ766.5.T7W6 1970 IN
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