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  Title Author Call Number Status
Serial Biosystematic studies of Ceylonese wasps, XIX : natural history notes in several families (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae, Vespidae, Pompilidae, and Crabonidae) Krombein, Karl V. Gov. SI 1.27:515 IN
Serial Biosystematic studies of Ceylonese wasps, XVII : a revision of Sri Lankan and South Indian Bembix Fabricus (Hymenoptera: Sphecoidea: Nyssonidae) Krombein, Karl V. Gov. SI 1.27:451 IN
Serial Biosystematic studies of Ceylonese wasps, XX : a revision of Tachysphex Kohl, 1883, with notes on other oriental species (Hymenoptera:Sphecidea:Larrinae)/ Krombein, Karl V. Gov. SI 1.27:552 IN
Serial Biosystematics of the Nymphomyiidae (Insecta: Diptera) : life history, morphology and phylogenetic relationships Courtney, Gregory W. Gov. SI 1.27:550 IN
Book The biotech century : harnessing the gene remaking the world Rifkin, Jeremy. TP248.2.R54 1998 IN
Book Biotechnologies for agricultural development : proceedings of the FAO international technical conference on "agricultural biotechnologies in developing countries: options and opportunities in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and agro-industry to face the challenges of food insecurity and climate change" FAO.S494.5.B563F368 2010 IN
Video Biotechnology MITC VC 980 IN
Book Biotechnology and genetic engineering Yount, Lisa. Ref.HN28.Y68b 2000 IN
Book Biotechnology and genetics in fisheries and aquaculture Beaumont, A. R. (Andy R) QL638.99.B43 2003 IN
Book Biotechnology and the pursuit of happiness President's Council on Bioethics (U.S.) Gov.PR43.8:B52/T34 IN
Serial Biotropica Pac.Per.QH84.5.B56 1974 IN
Book Bipolar disorder : a cognitive therapy approach RC516.B525 2000 IN
Book The Bippolo Seed and other lost stories Seuss, Dr. CRC PZ8.3.S48 2011 IN
Mixed Bird central Bencivenga, Jim. VF 166 BEN 2000 IN
Book Bird conservation in the Pacific Islands Hay, Rod. Pac.QL694.P3H39 1985 IN
Book Bird conservation in the Pacific Islands (Topic Review No. 25, SPC, 1985) Hay, Rod. Pac.QL694.P3H39 1985 IN
Book Bird conservation priorities and a draft avifauna conservation strategy of the Pacific Islands region Sherley, Greg. Pac.QL671.S57 2001 IN
Book Bird flu : a virus of our own hatching Greger, Michael. RA644.I6G86 2006 IN
Book Bird songs of garden, woodland, and meadow. Wetmore, Alexander, 1886- QL681.W53 1964 IN
 4 Birds
Book The birds & bats of Palau Pratt, H. Douglas (Harold Douglas), 1944- Pac.QL694.P28P72 2008 IN
Book The birds and birdlore of Samoa : o manu ma tala'aga o manu o Samoa Muse, Corey Pac.QL684.S2M8 1982 IN
Book Birds and mammals of Micronesia.
Book Birds: Britannica illustrated science library CRC Ref.Q163.B53 2009 IN
Book Birds Fly Bears Don't Clymer, Theodore CRC PR6058.A69427B53 1996 IN
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