View previous page View next page Title Search: The imperial Japanese Navy and the constructed consciousness of a South Seas destiny, 1872-1921
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book In harmony with the Fa'asamoa George, Pamela. Pac.DU813.G36 IN
Book In harm’s way Pearson, Ridley. PS3566.E234I5 2010 IN
Book In haste with aloha : letters and diaries of Queen Emma, 1881-1885 Emma, Queen, consort of Kamehameha IV, King of the Hawaiian Islands, 1836-1885, Pac.DU627.17.E45E45 2017 IN
Book In Hawaii : a hundred years Pratt, Hellen Gay, 1889- Pac DU 624.5 P66 IN
Book In her shoes : a novel Weiner, Jennifer. PS3573.E3935I7 2002 IN
Book In his Ethnologische Erfahrungen und Belegstücke aus der Südsee Naturhistorisches Museum (Austria) Pac.GN662.F55 IN
Book In his keeping : a slow burn novel Banks, Maya. PS3602.A643I5 2015 OUT
Book In Hitler's Germany : daily life in the Third Reich Engelmann, Bernt, 1921- DD256.5.E5313 1986 IN
Book In honor of Robert Kiste Pac.DU28.3.P34 2004 IN
Video The in-laws MITC ENT 30 OUT
Book In light of shadows : more Gothic tales by Izumi Ky¯oka Izumi, Ky¯oka, 1873-1939. PL809.Z9A23 2005 IN
Book In love with a younger man Robinson, Cheryl. PS3618.O323I5 2009 OUT
Mixed In loving memory of Lucia Donre, December 26 1970 to March 22, 2018 College of Micronesia-FSM ARC. Box 96 IN
Mixed In loving memory of our Chairman and friend.
Book In mad love and war Harjo, Joy. PS3558.A62423I6 1990 IN
Serial In memoriam: [The Honorable Antonio Borja Won Pat].
Video In memory of late Mariana Ben Dereas MITC DVD 743 IN
Book In-migration as a component of Hawaii population growth: its legal implications Hood, David R. Pac.JK9301.H3 1973 no.2 IN
Book In my own words : an introduction to my teachings and philosophy Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935- BQ7935.B774I6 2011 IN
Book In Oceania : visions, artifacts, histories Thomas, Nicholas. Pac.GN662.T66 1997 IN
Book In one person : a novel Irving, John, 1942- PS3559.R8I5 2012 IN
Book In opposition to core curriculum : alternative models for undergraduate education LB2361.5.I5 1982 OUT
Book In our image : America's empire in the Philippines Karnow, Stanley. DS685.K38 1989 IN
Book In our own words Passingham, Steve. Pac.DU28.25.O3P37 1995 IN
Book In our own words : extraordinary speeches of the American century PS661.I53 1999 IN
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