Title |
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Call Number |
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State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia: report on examination of financial statements in accordance with OMB
Yap (Micronesia)
Pac.HJ1601.Y3D37 2000
IN |
State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia: Report on the audit of financial statements in accordance with the OMB Circular A-133 year ended September 30, 19...
Yap (Micronesia)
Pac.HJ1601.Y3D37 2000
IN |
State of Yap manpower training plan.
Sulong, Tamdad
Pac.HZ79.A23Y34 1996
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State plan amendment for nutrition education and training program.
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Office of Food Services.
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State plan for the administration of vocational education
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education.
Pac. LC1047.T7A3 1975
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State plan for the construction and modernization of hospitals and related facilities : Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, fiscal year 1972 /.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)
IN |
State plan for Title IV and Title V
Pacific Islands (Trust Terrritory).
Pac.LB2828.5.O7P33 1979
IN |
State plan for Title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as amended, educational improvement, resources, and support
Pacific Islands (Trust Terrritory).
Pac.LB2828.5.O7P33 1979
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State plan for Title V of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act : Strengthening State Educational Management
Ramarui, David
TTPI.LA2270.S7T71 1979
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State plan of operation food distribution program to households.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Division of Community Development.
Pac.KF27.M625P33 1971
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State plan of operation food distribution program to households under title 7-Agriculture, chapter II, sub-chapter b, part 250.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Division of Community Development.
Pac.KF27.M625P33 1971
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State plan on aging for the state of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands for fiscal year 1979.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office on Aging.
Pac.HV1493.M5S7 1978
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State profiles (Bernan Press)
Ref.HA203.S734 1999
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State profiles : the population and economy of each U.S. state.
Ref.HA203.S734 1999
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State public projects funded by the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia
Micronesia (Federated States). Office of the Public Auditor.
Pac.HD4415.7.Z8M53 1988
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State public sector investment programs.
Micronesia (Federated States). Office of Planning and Statistics.
Pac.HC681.5.Z9P75 1996
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The State Public Service System Act of 1981 : an act to establish the Public Service System for the Executive Branch of the State Government; and for other purposes.
Pohnpei (Micronesia).. Legislature.
Pac.JQ6240.A2P755 1999
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State review workshops: comments and recommendationd
Pac.HD5820.5.A6S73 1995
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State seminars program
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Pac.HC681.7F42 2005? c.2
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State Shinto in Micronesia during Japanese rule, 1914-1945
State, society and governance in Melanesia.
State, society and governance in Melanesia discussion paper
IN |
State, sovereignty, war : civil violence in emerging global realities
JC131.S83 2004
IN |
State specific report for Trust Territories,
InterAmerica Research Associations, Inc.
IN |
Statement by Deputy Assistant Secretary David B. Cohen before the Joint Economic Management Committee meeting in Pohnpei, August 13, 2005.
Cohen, David B.
VerF 0358.05 Pac. c.5
IN |