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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book The importance of prestige in aboriginal Kusaie; analysis and interpretation. Pac.GN671.K8L4 IN
Book The importance of refuges for reef fish replenishment in Hawai?i Birkeland, Charles. Pac.SH319.H3B57 2001 IN
Book The importance of soil organic matter : key to drought-resistant soil and sustained food production Bot, Alexandra. FAO.S592.6.O73B68 2005 IN
 2 The importance of the Mariana Islands to Spain at the beginning of the nineteenth century
Book The importance of tuna to FSM. Micronesian Fisheries Authority. Pac.SH319.T8M52 IN
Book Important Bird Areas in Palau : protecting Palau's natural heritage Pac.QL676.57.P2I7 2008 IN
Book Important legumes and grasses in Micronesia Sproat, M. N. Pac.S400.T7A3 No.8 IN
Book Importing democracy : the role of NGOs in South Africa, Tajikistan, & Argentina Fisher, Julie. HM1126.F573 I4 2013 IN
 2 The impossible
Book An impossible attraction Joyce, Brenda. PB JOY 2010 OUT
Book Impottante na imfotmasion Marciano, Dolores I. Pac.PL5295.Z77M33 1979 v.7 IN
Book Impressionism ND547.5 .I4I4513 1973 IN
Book Impressionism and post-impressionism : the Hermitage, Leningrad, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, and the National Gallery of Art, Washington ND547.5.I4I7 1986 IN
 4 The impressionists the other French revolution
Book Impressions from the Micronesia of 1940 Maruki, Toshi, 1912- Pac. ND1059.M32A3 IN
Serial Impressions of a tropical island
Serial Impressions of Fiji and American Samoa : a perspective of Micronesian educators
Book The improbable adventures of Sherlock Holmes Adams, John Joseph. PR1309.H55I34 2009 IN
Book Improve the governance and performance of the National Fisheries Corporation. Office of the National Public Auditor. Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.HE559.O34 2023 IN
Book Improve your reading Fry, Ronald W. LB1050.F797 1996 IN
Book Improve your writing Fry, Ronald W. LB1047.3.F796 1996 OUT
Book Improved access to information : portals, content selection, and digital information University of Oklahoma. Libraries. Conference (2003) Z692.C65U54 2003 IN
Book Improved adaptive capacity to climate change for sustainable livelihoods in the agriculture sector Baas, Stephan. FAO.GB5008.B36B33 2008 IN
Serial Improved analysis of DNA short tandem repeats with time-of-flight mass spectrometry : science and technology research report Bulter, John M. (John Marshall), 1969- Gov.J28.2:D44/3 IN
Book Improved animal health for poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods FAO.SF751.I46 2002 IN
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