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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Specifications for communication tower Mariana Islands Architects & Engineers. Pac.HD9697.T453S6 1980 IN
Book Specifications for design no.100, 61 foot steel skipjack boat Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Resources and Development. Pac.VM353.P33 1973 IN
Book Specifications for drainage and roadbed improvements for principal roadways Moen, Truk Island Eastern Caroline Islands Pac.TC970.S64 IN
Book Specifications for expansion and improvement of water system Pac.GB1192.H35 1987 IN
Book Specifications for hemodialysis laboratory: Ponape District, E.C.I. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Design and Engineering Division. Pac.TH4815.8.P7P11 1977 IN
Book Specifications for Koror-Babelthuap bridge. Pac.TG425.S64 1975 IN
Book Specifications for local public works capital development and investment program Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Design and Engineering Division. Pac.TH4815.8.P7P11 1977 IN
Book Specifications for local public works capital development and investment program, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works, Design and Engineering Division. Pac.HD3866.M5T73 IN
Book Specifications for majuro sanitary corps, Majuro Marshall Islands Trust Territory (Pacific Islands). Office of Planning and Statistics. Pac.HN931.M3 1982 IN
Book Specifications for Ponape District, Kosrae District, Truk District, Yap District Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Public Works, Headquarters. Pac.HD3881.P33 1977 IN
Book Specifications for Ponape dock Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of the Interior. Pac.TC355.P33s 1971 IN
Book Specifications for Ponape dock Takatik Island, Ponape Eastern Caroline Islands Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of the Interior. Pac.TC355.P33 1971 IN
Book Specifications for Public Works complex Kosrae District, E.C.I. and Yap District, W.C.I. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works, Design and Engineering Division. Pac.HD3866.M5T73 IN
Book Specifications for the communications building state of Kosrae Federated States of Micronesia Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Bureau of Public Works. Engineering Division. Pac.TH24.S64 1980 IN
Book Specifications for the construction of "Majuro power plant", Ponape power plant, Yap power plant Pac.TK3231.S64 IN
Book Specifications for the construction of Malakal power plant Malakal, Palau Islands Pac.TK3231.S6 IN
Book Specifications for the construction of Yap high school complex, Yap West Caroline Islands Pac.TH437.S64 IN
Book Specifications for the Truk courthouse contract no. T.T.70-0418-39 Pac.NA6914.M625S64 IN
Book Specifications for Truk broadcasting bldg station WSZC, Moen Islands, Truk District Pac.TH437.S64 IN
Book Specifications for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Caroline Islands: Yap district capital improvement program for sewer project at Yap island Pac.TD425.Y3S64 1980 IN
Book Specifications for vocational rehabilitation center Moen Island, Truk District, E.C.I./ Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Bureau of Development Services. Department of Development Services. Pac.TH3411.P33 1978 IN
Book Specifications for water treatment plant and distribution system and electrical distribution system : FY-80 capital improvement program, Kosrae district, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Kosrae Island PAE International. ARC. Box 2008-117 IN
Book Specimen examinations for merchant marine deck officers : second mate chief mate and rules of the road. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Board of Marine Inspectors Pac.VK537.T76 1977 IN
Book Specimen examinations for merchant marine deck officers : third mate and rules of the road. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Board of Marine Inspectors Pac.VK537.T76t 1977 IN
Book The specimen shell resources of Fiji : report Parkinson, Brian J. Pac.QL428.5.F7P37 1982 IN
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