Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Strategic location and sovereignty : modern Micronesia in the historical context of American expansion
Petersen, Glenn Thomas
VerF 0900.98 Pac
IN |
Strategic management : an integrated approach
Hill, Charles W. L.
HD70.U5H54 2010
IN |
Strategic management and business policy
Wheelen, Thomas L.
HD30.28.W43 1991
IN |
Strategic management operational plan (SMOP) fiscal years 2024 -2028
Office of the Public Auditor. State of Pohnpei. Office of the Public Auditor.
IN |
Strategic master plan and institutional assessment plan 1999-2004.
Northern Marianas College
Pac.LD2222.4.A52N67 1999
IN |
Strategic plan.
Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders (6th: 2001: Honolulu, Hawaii)
Pac.HC681.P297 2001
IN |
Strategic plan, 1997-2002 : a healthy and productive nation in harmony with the land.
IN |
Strategic plan 2006-2011
College of Micronesia-FSM.
Pac.LG961.M625C65 2006
IN |
Strategic plan 2008-2012.
Pohnpei State. Pohnpei Department of Education.
Pac.LA2270.M625P64 2007
IN |
Strategic plan, 2010-2013
Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Division of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems.
Pac.SH319.A2S43 2009
IN |
Strategic plan 2011-2015.
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).
Pac.S934.O25S33 2011
IN |
Strategic plan 2017-2026.
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).
Pac.S934.O25S33 2017
IN |
Strategic plan 2022-2031 : sustainable Pacific development through science, knowledge and innovation
Secretariat of the Pacific Community,
Pac.HC681.S438 2022
IN |
Strategic plan for educational improvement
Pac.LA2270.M5F43 1997
IN |
Strategic plan for improvement of education in the Federated States of Micronesia : education: underpinning economic growth and social development.
Pac.LA2270.M5S77 1997
IN |
Strategic plan for Pohnpei State Department of Education: resulting from information obtain[sic] from the National Education Summit and staff contribution.
Micronesia (Federated States). Pohnpei State Department of Education.
Pac.LC96.95.M5M58 2000
IN |
Strategic plan for Pohnpei State Department of Education resulting from information obtained from the National Summit and staff contribution.
Micronesia (Federated States). Pohnpei State Department of Education.
Pac.LC96.95.M5M58 2000
IN |
The strategic plan of the FSM Supreme Court (2012 to 2017)
FSM Supreme Court
Pac.KFV2908.S8M58 2012
IN |
Strategic plan: Pohnpei Port Authority.
FSN Financial Group, Inc. FFGI Consulting Group.
Pac.HE560.P7F11 2006
IN |
Strategic plan to stop TB in the Western Pacific 2006-2010.
Pac.RA644.T7S8 2006
IN |
Strategic planning and management for library managers
Matthews, Joseph R.
Z678.M43 2005
IN |
Strategic planning for coalition warfare, 1941-1942 [--1943-1944]
Matloff, Maurice 1915-
Gov.D114.7 :W19/V.2/999
IN |
Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations : a practical guide and workbook
Allison, Michael (Michael J.)
HD62.6.A45 2005
IN |
Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations : a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement
Bryson, John M. (John Moore), 1947-
HD30.28.B79 2011
IN |
Strategic planning workbook for higher education human resource professionals.
Butterfield, Barbara S.
HD41.B95 1997
IN |