Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Bibliographie de l'oceanie.
IN |
Bibliographie des plantes médicinales et des sujets apparentés.
Tamson, R.
Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.171
IN |
Bibliographie selective sur la biologie, ecologie et la culture des huitres perlieres
Sims, Neil Anthony.
Pac.SH375.S56 1990
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Bibliographies of the Kermadec Islands, Niue, Swains Island and the Tokelau Islands
Coppell, W. G. (William George)
IN |
A bibliography and keyword index of the biting midges (Diptera:Ceratopogonidae)
Ref.QL537.C37B47 1981
IN |
Bibliography for Pohnpei
Ashby, Gene
Pac.Z4008.P7A87 1998
IN |
Bibliography of Albert Wendt.
Bibliography of American Editions of Robinson Crusoe to 1830
Brigham, Clarence S.
Pac.PR3403.Z6B86 1958
IN |
Bibliography of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonism-dementia of Guam
Pac.RC382.B52 1983
IN |
A bibliography of archaeology in Micronesia and related subjects
Johnston, Emilie G.
Pac.DU500.A15M37 no.38
IN |
Bibliography of Bellona and Rennell Islands
Kuschel, Rolf.
Pac.Z4898.K87 1990
IN |
A bibliography of bibliographies of the South Pacific / compiled by Ida Leeson
Leeson, Ida.
Pac.Z4008.O2L4 1954
IN |
A bibliography of bibliographies of the South Pacific. Published under the auspices of the South Pacific Commission.
Leeson, Ida.
IN |
Bibliography of biodiversity literature in offices in Pohnpei State
Robert, Bruce 1964-
Pac.Z7408.M567 2001
IN |
A bibliography of co-operation in the South Pacific.
Pac. HF5431.S6
IN |
Bibliography of dengue fever and dengue-like illnesses, 1780-1981
Kuno, Goro.
IN |
A bibliography of energy literature for U.S. Micronesia and American Samoa
Case, Charles W. (Charles Whipple), 1938-
IN |
A bibliography of Fiji, Tonga, and Rotuma : preliminary working edition
Snow, Philip, 1915-
Pac.Z4651.S65 1969b
IN |
[Bibliography of ] Foreign contacts with Truk Islands.
Bibliography of geology and geophysics of the South Pacific
Pac.TN123 .C65 no.1 c.2
IN |
A Bibliography of Kusaie island : with a short history of research on Kusaie
Ritter, Philip L.
Pac.Z4741.R51 1976
IN |
Bibliography of library materials; Micronesian Seminar Research Library.
Micronesian Seminar.
Pac.Z4501.M58 1967
IN |
A bibliography of literature for Micronesian children
Salas, Marilyn.
Pac.Z1037.A1S35 1991
IN |
A bibliography of manuscripts, archives, and other unpublished materials relating to Guam and Micronesia in repositories in the United States
Wuerch, William L
Pac.Z4980.G45W84 1991
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