View previous page View next page Title Search: Human-wildlife conflict in Africa : causes, consequences and management strategies
  Title Author Call Number Status
Mixed Impact of modernization on the personality of Polynesian people Graves, Nancy B. VerF 0471.78 Pac IN
Mixed Impact of obesity on work productivity and role disability in individuals with and at risk for diabetes millitus Rodbard, Helena W. VF 324 ROD 2009 IN
Book Impact of rising feed ingredient prices on aquafeeds and aquaculture production Rana, Krishen J. FAO.SH1.F2 no.541 IN
Book The impact of the A-bomb : Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945-85 Pac.D767.25.I5 1985 IN
Book The impact of the compact migration for the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands : a summary of interviews with key representatives from the Compact Freely Associated States. Woo, Ginlin. Pac.DU568.F34W66 1993 IN
Book Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on trade and development: lessons learned Durant, Isabelle. Doc.HF1379.D93 2022 IN
Book The impact of the foreign workers on Truk state's plan for economic development / Jimmy Sablan .--[et al.].-- Pac.HD8101.17.A2I47 IN
Book Impact of the global forest industry on atmospheric greenhouse gases Miner, Reid. FAO.SD1.F5 no. 159 IN
Serial The impact of the Hokule'a voyage on my life
Book The Impact of urban centers in the Pacific : papers from the theme symposium of the second inter-congress of the Pacific Science Association, University of Guam, May 20-25, 1973 Pac.HT149.P3I46 c.2 IN
Book The impact of war on American life; the twentieth-century experience Nelson, Keith L., comp. E169.12.N4 1971 IN
Book Impact og the COVID-19 : pandemic on trade and development. Doc.HF1379.I7 2020 IN
Book Impact study : the past, present and future of Federal Funding on the Community College of Micronesia operations (1971-1986) Pac.LG961.M5C612 1986 IN
Book Impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability : Working Group II contribution to the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. QC903.C443 2014 IN
Book Impacts and management of extreme weather events in the Federated States of Micronesia Semes Jr., Herman Pac.QC993.A3F42 2003 IN
Book Impacts of climate change and landscape modification on Samoan history : which is the chicken and which is the egg? Taomia, Julie M. E. (Julie Margret Endicott), 1967- Pac.QC903.2.S24E53 2020a IN
Book Impacts of climate change on ecosystems and species : environmental context Pac.QC981.8.C5I448 1995 IN
Book The impacts of climate on fisheries Glantz, Michael H. Pac.SH343.3.G52 1994 IN
Book Impacts of industrial robotics : potential effects on labor and costs within the metalworking industries Miller, Steven M. HD9506.A2M527 1989 IN
Book Impacts of migration from the Compact of Free Association states on public and selected private agencies of Guam : executive summary Coulter, Paulette M. Pac.DU568.F34C68 1993 IN
Book The impacts of tourism among cultural minorities Mansperger, Mark C. Pac.G155.A1.M36 1992 IN
Mixed Impacts of transnational corporations in the Republic of Palau : (country paper) VerF.0903 Pac. IN
Book Impacts of trawling and scallop dredging on benthic habitats and communities Lokkeborg, Svein. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book Impel down. Oda, Eiichiro, 1975- CRC Juv.O1 2003 IN
Book Imperial benevolence : making British authority in the Pacific Islands Samson, Jane, 1962- Pac.DU40.S26 1998 IN
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