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Proceedings of the Third Pan-Pacific Science Congress : Tokyo, October 30th-November 11th, 1926
Pacific Science Congress (3rd : 1926 : Tokyo, Japan)
Pac.Q101P28 1926
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Proceedings of the third SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region, Noumea, New Caledonia, 18-22 August 1997
SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region (3rd : 1997 : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Pac.QC981.8.C5 S77 1999
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Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Student Symposium on Marine Affairs
Student Symposium on Marine Affairs (20th: 1995: University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Pac.GC1.P94 1995
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Proceedings of the twenty-fifth session : Rarotonga, Cook Islands 2-8 October 1996/
South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (25th: 1996: Rarotonga, Cook Islands)
Pac.QE26.2.S6 1996
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Proceedings of the twenty-fourth session : hosted by the Government of Australia in Suva, Fiji
South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (24th: 1995: Suva, Fiji)
Pac.QE26.2.S6 1995
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Proceedings of the twenty-sixth session : Nadi, Fiji Islands 29 September - 4 October 1997
Proceedings of the twenty-third session : Majuro, Marshall Islands 14-22 September 1994
South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (23rd: 1994: Majuro, Marshall Islands)
Pac.QE26.2.S6 1994
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Proceedings of the University of Guam-Trust Territory Acanthaster Planci (Crown-of-Thorns Starfish) Workshop, March 27-29, 1972
University of Guam-Trust Territory Acanthaster Planci (Crown-of-Thorns Starfish) Workshop (1972 : University of Guam)
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Proceedings of the Western Pacific Sea Turtle Cooperative Research & Management Workshop, February 5-8, 2002
Western Pacific Sea Turtle Cooperative Research and Management Workshop (2002 : Honolulu, Hawaii)
Pac.QL666.C536W47 2002
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Proceedings of the Workshop on Coastal Area Development and Management in Asia and the Pacific, Manila, Philippines, 3 to 12 December 1979
Workshop on Coastal Area Development and Management in Asia and the Pacific (1979 : Manila, Philippines)
Pac.HT395.A76W63 1979
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Proceedings of the Workshop on Mitigation Coral Bleaching Impact through MPA Design, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 29-31, 2001
Workshop on Mitigation Coral Bleaching Impact through MPA Design (2001 : Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii)
Pac.QH541.5.C7W6 2001
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Proceedings of the Workshop on Research Methodologies and Applications for Pacific Island Agroforestry : July 16-20, 1990, Kolonia, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
Workshop on Research Methodologies and Applications for Pacific Island Agroforestry (1990 : Kolonia, Micronesia)
Pac.SD356.54.P16W67 1990
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Proceedings of the World Heritage Marine Biodiversity Workshop; Hanoi, Viet Nam, February 25-March 1, 2002
Pac.QH198.A1P94 2003
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Proceedings of WKC International Consultative Meeting on Traditional Medicine, Kobe, Japan, 19-21 September 2001.
WKC International Consultative Meeting on Global Information on Traditional Medicine/Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practices and Utilization (2001 : Kobe-shi, Japan)
R733.W53 2001
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Proceedings, Pacific Islands Tourism Conference, Agana, Guam September 5, 6, 7, 1973 : theme : Cooperation in Pacific Islands Tourism Development
Pacific Islands Tourism Conference (1973: Agana, Guam)
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Proceedings - Pacific Science Congress
Pacific Science Congress. (1991 : Honolulu, Hawaii)
Pac.Q101.P4 1991
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Proceedings - Pacific Science Congress : Abstracts of papers.
Pacific Science Congress. (1966 : Tokyo, Japan)
Pac.Q101.P4 1966
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Proceedings : second review meeting I.N.P.U.T.S. Project (Increasing productivity under tight supplies) Honolulu, Hawaii, May 8-19, 1978
East-West Resource Systems Institute. Fertilizer INPUTS Project. Review Meeting (2nd Honolulu, Hawaii : 1978).
Pac.S494.5.P75R4 1978
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Proceedings, Symposium on Swine Housing and Well-Being, P.O.R.K. Academy 2002, Kent Feeds
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Proceedings, Taro Seminar II
Taro Seminar II (2nd : 1995 : Lae, Papua New Guinea)
Pac.SB2ll.T3T37 l995
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Proceedings : the integration of natural and social sciences in the new Pacific millennium.
Pac.Q127.P23P29 2001
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Proceedings, the Polish experience of transition, accomplishments and problems
Doc.HC340.3.P646 2000
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Proceedings : third annual meeting of the Hawaii papaya industry association.
Pac.HD9259.P233P76 1967
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Proceedings twenty-second Tuna Conference, October 11-13, 1971
Tuna Conference 22nd: 1971: Lake Arrowhead, Calif.)
Pac.SH3512.T8T86 1971
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Proceedings - United States Naval Institute
United States Naval Institute.
Pac.Per.V1.U5 1977
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