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 2 Survey manual for tropical marine resources
Book Survey methods for the analysis of seagrass meadows with respect to their potential as dugong and turtle habitat : with a field key to the seagrasses of Papua New Guinea Johnstone, I. M. (Ian Mark), 1945- Pac.QH301.P35 no.8 IN
Book Survey methods in community medicine : epidemiological research, programme evaluation, clinical trials Abramson, J. H. (Joseph Herbert), 1924- RA408.5.A27 1999 IN
Book Survey mission to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Solomon, Anthony M. Pac.DU500.U68 1963 IN
Book Survey of agricultural development and current needs Ujelang Atoll, June 1958 Sproat, M.N. Pac.S479.M33S68 1958 IN
Book A survey of archival and historical materials for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Conrad, Agnes C. Pac.CD2795.M5C66 1973a IN
Book Survey of arthropod pests and invasive weeds in the Republic of Marshall Islands Muniappan, R. Pac.SB605.M433M86 2002 IN
Serial Survey of bottom fish resource in the Northwestern Hawaiian islands Uchida, Richard N. Pac.SH319.A2U24 1979 IN
Book Survey of career possibilities for Micronesian students prepared by students of the Micronesian Special Services Project,Eastern Oregon State College. Pac.LC1037.5.H36 1981 IN
Book A survey of communication disorders for the classroom teacher Lue, Martha Scott. LC4028.L84 2001 IN
Book Survey of compounds which have been tested for carcinogenic activity. Gov.HE20.3152:C17/997-998/1 IN
Book A survey of cultural resources on Namdik Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands Mead, Leslie A. Pac.DU710.M43 2003 IN
Serial Survey of current business Gov.C59.11:92/11 IN
Book A survey of domestic rural energy use and potential in Fiji Siwatibau, Suliana Pac.TJ163.25.F4S59 1978 IN
Book A survey of ecological economics HD75.6.S855 1995 IN
Serial Survey of economic and social developments in the Arab region. Doc.HC415.15.A1U529 2015 IN
 2 Survey of economic and social developments in the ESCWA region.
Serial Survey of economic and social developments in Western Asia. Doc.HC415.15.A1S852 2012 IN
Book Survey of existing fishponds on Yap Proper with recommendations for the development of subsistence fish culture / by Stephen G. Nelson Nelson, Stephen G. Pac.SH138.Y3N34 IN
Book Survey of Federated States of Micronesia Migrants in the United States including Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Overseas Development Assistance and Compact Management Pac.JV9300.M5F31 2012 IN
Serial A survey of fish contamination in small wadeable streams in the Mid-Atlantic Region Gov.EP1.2:C74/2 IN
Book Survey of historic properties in Ngiwal State Interior Republic of Palau : Draft Olsudong, Rita Pac.DU780.O48 2007 IN
Book Survey of insect pests of crops and invasive weeds in the Republic of Palau Muniappan, R. Pac.SB999.M85 IN
Book Survey of insect pests of crops in the Federated States of Micronesia : an update and assessment Esguerra, Nelson M. Pac.SB601.E3 2002 IN
Mixed Survey of interests of Yapese young people. VerF.0906 Pac. IN
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