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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book An Augustine reader. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. BR65.A52E6 1973 IN
Book Augustine to Galileo : the history of science, A.D. to 400-1650 Crombie, A. C. (Alistair Cameron), 1915- Q125.C68 1952 IN
Book The Augustinian Recollect friars in the Mariana Islands : 1769-1908 : data extracted from various sources Driver, Marjorie G. Pac.BX2954.A92D75 2000 IN
Book Aung San DS530.32 .A9A52 1984 IN
Book Aung San Suu Kyi : standing up for democracy in Burma Ling, Bettina. DS530.53.A85L56 1999 IN
Book Aunty Pua's keiki cookbook Corum, Ann Kondo. Pac.TX724.5.H3C669 1991 IN
Book Aurora Australis : the German period in the Mariana Islands 1899-1914 Spennemann, Dirk H.R. Pac.DU645.S63 1999 IN
 2 AusAID/SPC Taro Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilisation meeting.
Book AusAID/SPC Taro Genetic Resources: conservation and utilisation, planning workshop (Auckland, New Zealand, 3-4 September 1998). Taro Genetic Resources: Conservation and Utilisation. (1998 : Auckland, New Zealand) Pac.SB211.T2A7 1998 IN
Book AusAID/SPC taro genetic resources: conservation and utilization. Brunt, Julia Pac.SB211.T2B87 2001 IN
 2 Aussaat und Kosmos. English
 10 Australia
Serial Australia : a bicentennial down under. Pac.Per.G1.N27 IN
Book Australia & Indonesia's independence : the Renville Agreement, documents 1948 Dorling, Phillip. Pac.JX1589.A9D73 1996 IN
Book Australia & Indonesia's independence. Vol. 1, : Diplomasi Australia & Indonesia's independence : documents 1947 Dorling, Phillip. Pac.JX1589.A9.D73 1994 IN
Book Australia and New Zealand MacInnes, Colin, 1914- Pac.DU105.2.A76M1515 1966 IN
Book Australia and North-East Asia in the 1990s : accelerating change. Pac.HC460.5.G37 1992 IN
Book Australia & Papua New Guinea : a developing partnership Pac.Per.DU117.18.A88 IN
Book Australia and the colonial question at the United Nations Hudson, W. J. Pac.JV6318.H83 IN
Book Australia and the Indonesian Incorporation of Portuguese Timor, 1974-1976 Pac.DS646.59.T55D62 2000 IN
Book Australia and the islands of the Pacific : myths and wonders of the Southern seas Moretti, Marco Pac.DU95.M67 1999 IN
Book Australia and the South Pacific : report from the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense Australia. Parliament. Senate. Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence. Pac.DU113.5.O3A87 1978 IN
Book Australia--colony to nation, Dunlop, Eric Wilfred. Pac.DU110.D85 1969 IN
Book Australia : colourful continent Davey, Irene Pac.DU93.M65 IN
Book Australia comes of an age : rebellion, independence, war and the worker Pac.DU110.A98 IN
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