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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book proposal for feasibility study and preliminary design for fishing (tuna) vessel fuel storage and distribution facility. AGI International Pac.SH351.T8A3 1992 IN
Book A proposal for integrating the technical and academic programs in the secondary schools of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Soucie, Edward A. Pac.LA2270.T7S6 IN
Book Proposal for Japanese language classes in Federated States of Micronesia Micronesia Development Survey Institute. Pac.PL535.K8 1980 IN
Mixed Proposal for library training for the Director of the Learning Community College of Micronesia ARC. Box 96 IN
Book Proposal for management and development of Pohnpei fisheries port facilities Guam Y.T.K. Corporation Pac.TH438.G83 1995 IN
Book A proposal for Micronesian development Bowden, Elbert V. Pac. HC687 .M5 B74 IN
Book A proposal for solar salinity gradient ponds for solar energy storage and electricity generation in Micronesia ARC. 2085:2 OUT
Book Proposal for specified airport and harbor feasibility studies Airport Systems Organization Northrop Corporation. Pac.TD124.M5A37 1970 IN
Book A proposal for the development of a system of indigenous jursprudence in the Federated States of Micronesia Tamanaha, Brian Z. Pac. KTFF34T3 IN
Book Proposal for the development of reading skills in the english language in first and second grade elementary school children in the Island of Saipan Castaneda, Alfred Pac.LB1573.C27 1966 IN
Book Proposal for the establishment of a wastewater treatment plant operations training school to serve the needs of the government of Guam, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Northern Mariana Commonwealth. Office of Planning and Statistics. ARC. Box 2008-117 IN
Book Proposal planning and writing Miner, Lynn E. HG177.5.U6M66 1993 IN
 2 Proposal shrimp farming in Pohnpei
Book Proposal to assist in development of health planning for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. University of Hawaii (Honolulu). International Health Program. Pac.RA558.T7H35 1967 v.1 IN
 3 Proposal to conduct a position classification compensation & benefits study for the College of Micronesia-FSM
Book Proposal to conduct training activities for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HF5549.5.T7P76 1980 IN
Book Proposal to establish a Board of Trustees and transfer of control and properties Ponape Agriculture & Trade School ARC. TTPI 04 IN
Book Proposal to establish an agricultural planning section in Ponape Office of Planning & Statistics
Book Proposal to provide design services in support of the director....Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HF566.F7I58 IN
Book Proposal to serve as Investment Consultant to the College of Micronesia-FSM Endowment Fund College of Micronesia-FSM ARC. Box 86 IN
Book A proposal to set-up and operate a solar energy monitoring system in Truk Federated States of Micronesia McCord, Thomas B. Pac.TH7414.M33 1981 IN
Book A Proposal to the FSM Development Bank, Pohnpei for the financing of the purchase of a large purse seiner for addition to the CFC fleet Caroline Fisheries Corporation. Pac.HF5683.L6P7 IN
Book A proposal to the Government of the Cook Islands to develop a total atoll production system. Pilot project, Oceanic Institute. Pac.SH319.C6O3 IN
Book Proposal to United States peace corps for training of 222 trainees for service in Micronesia (RFP EAP #1) Pac.HC60.5.P33P88 1970 IN
Book Proposal wastewater facility plan, Island of Kosrae Federated States of Micronesia Pac.TD899.W3P76 1982 IN
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