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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Metadata fundamentals for all librarians Caplan, Priscilla. Z666.5.C37 2003 IN
Book Metalliferous sediments in the CCOP/SOPAC region of the Southwest Pacific ... Cronan, D. S. $q(David Spencer) Pac.TN264.C76 1983 IN
Book Metalliferous sediments in the CCOP/SOPAC region of the southwest Pacific, with particular reference to geochemical exploration for the deposits Cronan, D. S. $q(David Spencer) Pac.TN264.C76 1983 IN
Video Metals and ionic solids MITC VC 1141 E IN
Book Metalwork, technology and practice Repp, Victor E. TS205.R46 1989 IN
Book Metalworking careers. Rowh, Mark. TS213.R694 1991 IN
 2 The metamorphosis
Book Metaphor and religious language Soskice, Janet Martin. P301.5.M48S6 1985 IN
Book [Metaphysical Anfangsgrunde der naturwissenschaft, English] Kant : Metaphysical foundations of natural science Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 B2786.E5F75 2004 IN
Book The metaphysical foundations of modern physical science Burt, Edwin A. (Edwin Arthur), 1892-1989 B67.B8 2002 IN
Book Metaphysics Ref.BD111.O94 2003 IN
Book Meteorite! : the last days of the dinosaurs Norris, Richard, 1959- QE506 .N79 2000 IN
Book Meteorological Service Directors meeting SPREP Meeting of Regional Service Directors (4th : 1998 : Apia, Samoa) Pac.QC993 .A1S23 1997 IN
Book Meteorology for scientists and engineers Stull, Roland B., 1950- QC861.2.S79 2000 IN
Book Meteors, meteorites, and meteoroids Spangenburg, Ray, 1939- QB741.5.S63 2002 IN
Mixed Meter in Eastern Carolinian oral literature Fischer, Jack L. (John) VerF 0572.59a Pac. IN
Book Meter : suggested activities to motivate the teaching of the metric systems Youngpeter, John M. CRC QC93.Y68 1975 IN
Book Methamphetamine initiative, grant owner's manual : a step-by-step guide to assist law enforcement agencies in carrying out an reporting on their methamphetamine initiative grant. Gov.J36.8:M56 IN
Book Methland : the death and life of an American small town Reding, Nick. HV5831.I8R43 2009 IN
Book A method for the evaluation of tourism impact in the Pacific Rajotte, Freda. Pac.DU1.C27 1978 IN
Book The method of hope : anthropology, philosophy, and Fijian knowledge Miyazaki, Hirokazu. Pac.GN671.F5M69 2004 IN
Book Methoden der meeresbiologischen Forschung. English QH91.57.A1M413 1972 IN
Book Methodological workshop on the management of tuna fishing capacity : stock status, data envelopment analysis, industry surveys and management options Methodological Workshop on the Management of Tuna Fishing Capacity (2006 : La Jolla, California) FAO.SH3.F27 2007 no.8 IN
Book Methodology for assessing the water-food-energy-ecosystem nexus in transboundary basins and experiences from its application : synthesis Roidt, Mario, author. Doc.TD255.R65 2018 IN
Book Methodology in TESOL : a book of readings PE1128.A2M47 1987 IN
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