View previous page View next page Title Search: Appalachian trail.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Archaeological investigations at Nan Madol : islet maps and surface artifacts Athens, John Stephen. Pac.DU568.P7A88 1980 IN
Book Archaeological investigations in Tofol, Kosrae, Eastern Micronesia Beardsley, Felicia Rounds. Pac.GN877.K8B38 2006 IN
Book An archaeological perspective of Panay Island, Philippines Coutts, P. J. F. (Peter J. F.) Pac.GN855.P5C68 1983 IN
Mixed Archaeological perspectives on food production in Eastern Micronesia Ayres, William S. VerF 0352 Pac. IN
Book An archaeological reconnaissance in the Palau Archipelago, Western Caroline Islands, Micronesia Gumerman, George J. Pac.DU780.G8 IN
Book Archaeological reconnaissance survey and testing of portions of the proposed flood control project Garapan, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Shun, Kanalei Pac.DU648.S353S58 1998 IN
Book Archaeological reconnaissance survey for the proposed Nanpil River Hydropower project, Net Municipality, Ponape, Federated States of Micronesia Streck, Jr., Charles F. Pac.DU568.P7S874 1984a IN
Book Archaeological reconnaissance survey in the Marshall and Eastern Caroline Islands : a preliminary report on the Kelton-Bishop Museum Expedition to Eastern Micronesia Rosendahl, Paul H. (Paul Harmer) Pac.DU710.R6 IN
Book Archaeological remains at Angeir Karian, Nan Madol Pohnpei Federated States of Micronesia with supplemental studies at Sokehs and Temwen, Pohnpei Ayres, William S. Pac.DU568.P7A97 2009 IN
Serial Archaeological research on Fais Island, Micronesia.
Book Archaeological research on Fais Island, Micronesia : Preliminary report
Book Archaeological settlement pattern studies on Yap Cordy, Ross H. ARC. TTPI 02 IN
Book Archaeological survey and inventory of submerged cultural resources in the lagoon of Mili Atoll Pac.DU710.H65 2001 IN
Book Archaeological survey and inventory of submerged cultural resources in the lagoon of Wotje Atoll Holly, Mathew B. Pac.DU710.H655 IN
Book An archaeological survey and preliminary test excavations on the Island of Guam, Mariana Islands, 1965-1966 Reinman, Fred R. Pac.GN875.G3R45 IN
Book Archaeological survey and subsurface testing of Lot 15D-4, Aga Tongan, Inarajan, Guam April, Vic Pac.GN875.G82A67 2007 IN
Book Archaeological survey and test excavations on Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands Dye, Thomas S. Pac.GN875.M33 D8 IN
 2 Archaeological survey for Pohnpei.
Book An archaeological survey from Teneto to Poņa Pioint, South Coast, Rota, CNMI Bulgrin, Lon E. Pac.DU640.B85 2002 IN
Book Archaeological survey, FSM capitol relocation area Palikir, Pohnpei, Trust Territory Historic Prservation Office : review and recommendations Cordy, Ross H. Pac.DU568.P7 C63 IN
Book Archaeological survey in Ngesung and Ngerdiull villages, Airai municipality, Palau Cordy, Ross Pac.DU780.C65 IN
Mixed Archaeological survey in southeastern Mindanao Solheim, Wilhelm G. Pac.DS688.M2S64 1979 IN
Book Archaeological survey in southwest Ponape : an investigation of prehistoric economics and settlement Streck, Charles F. Pac.DU568.P7S8743 1980 IN
Book Archaeological survey, mapping, and testing of the Bapot Latte site (SP-1-0013) in Lualau, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Carson, Mike T. Pac.DU640.L36C23 2005 IN
Book Archaeological survey of Alupang Island. April, Vic Pac.GN57.C34A67 IN
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