View previous page View next page Title Search: Whales, dolphins, and porpoises
  Title Author Call Number Status
Video The western tradition--Program 27: The reformation; Program 28: The rise of the middle class MITC VC 1030 N IN
Video The western tradition--Program 31: The age of absolutism; Program 32: Absolutism & the social contract MITC VC 1030 P IN
Video The western tradition--Program 47: The first world war and the rise of facism; Program 48: The second world war. MITC VC 1030 X IN
Video The western tradition--Program 51: The technological revolution ; Program 52: Toward the future MITC VC 1030 Z IN
Computer The western way of war : a course examining the development and role of warfare in the West, including a look at the future of war
Book The Western way of war : infantry battle in classical Greece Hanson, Victor Davis. U33.H36 1989 IN
Book The Westernization of Truk : a backward glance Hezel, Francis X. Pac.DU568.T7H43 IN
Book Westward Ho! Kingsley, Charles.
Book Westward the course! The new world of Oceania, McGuire, Paul, 1903- Pac.DU22.M17 IN
Book WET testing video training, freshwater series Gov.EP1.2:T66/20 IN
Book Wetlands Moore, Peter D. QH87.3.M66 2001 IN
Mixed Wetlands ecology and management (incorporating mangroves and salt marshes) VerF.1001 Pac. IN
Video WGBH Boston Video MITC DVD 25 C IN
Book Whakairo : Maori tribal art Simmons, D. R. Pac.NK9793.A1S56 1985 IN
 2 Whale
Book Whale and dolphin Serventy, Vincent. CRC. Pic.S46 1985 IN
 2 Whale rider
Serial Whalemen and islanders in Micronesia.
 2 Whales
Book Whales and dolphins in question : the Smithsonian answer book Mead, James G. QL737.C4 M42 2002 IN
Computer Whales & dolphins of the world CD ROM 0395 1997 IN
Serial Whales and whalemen : their mingles destinies in Micronesia VerF.373 Pac. IN
Book Whales and whaling in the Pacific Pittman, G. A. Pac.G545.P57 1983 IN
Serial The whales called "killer" Pac.G1.N27 1984 Aug. v. 166:2, IN
Book Whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals of the world Shirihai, Hadoram. QL373.C3S6 2006 IN
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