View previous page View next page Title Search: Economic considerations in community-based project planning and implementation - volume 5
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ; in cooperation with the Environment Agency of Japan and the United Nations/Institute of Advance Studies. Pac.QC981.8.G56R44 1997 IN
Serial Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia publications catalogue United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. Doc.Z7165.M5U537 2009 IN
Book Economic and Social Commmission for Asia and the Pacific thirty-fifth session 5-16 March 1979 Manila: draft annual report. ESCAP (35th: 1979: Manila) Pac.HD105.E7 1978 IN
Book Economic & social statistics of Pohnpei. Pac.HC687.P7E338 1986 IN
Serial Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific. United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Doc.HC411.A2 IN
 2 Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific, 1981.
Book Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific 1982 Pac.HC411.E357 1983 IN
Book Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific 2015 United Nations. Pac.HC411.U4A23 2015 IN
Book Economic anthropology : a study in comparative economics Herskovits, Melville Jean, 1895- Pac.GN410.H4 1952 IN
Book Economic aspects of the coconut industry in the South Pacific Lefort, E. J. E. Pac.SB401.C6L5 IN
Book Economic assessment of Fiji Pac.HC685.5.A1O86 1998 IN
Serial Economic assessment of Guam Pac.Per.HC687.G8G895 1997 IN
Book An economic assessment of producing and marketing fresh pineapple on Guam Barcinas, Jeff Pac.SB375.B37 1982 IN
 3 Economic assessment of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM),
Book Economic base study : territory of Guam, Mariana Islands. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Pacific Ocean Division. Pac.HC687.G8U514 IN
Book Economic benefits from tourism to Guam : final report Skidmore, Sarita. Pac.G155.G8S55 1986a IN
Serial Economic Botany Pac.SB107.N49 2001 IN
Book Economic briefing information on Micronesia's economy. Pac.HC687.M5T82 1974 IN
Mixed Economic bubbles Paul, Ron. VF 310 JAS 2008 IN
Serial Economic census (1997). Subject series. Manufacturing. General summary. Gov.C3.2:SU7/6 IN
Book Economic Commission for Europe, Doc.HE242.P47 2019 IN
Serial Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Doc.HC121.U55b IN
Serial Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean notes Doc.HC121.E353 IN
Book Economic concepts for the social sciences Sandler, Todd. HB87.S234 2001 IN
Book Economic conference of Guam.. Guam Economic Conference, {5th, Agana, Guam 1974] Pac.HC687.G8G82 1972 IN
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