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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book A bibliography of Pacific Island theses and dissertations Coppell, W. G. (William George) Pac.DU17.C67 1983 IN
Book Bibliography of Pacific Islands coral reefs sites which have been surveyed or monitored Eldredge, Lucius G. Pac.Z6033.R4E53 1997 IN
Serial Bibliography of periodical articles relating to the South Pacific. Pac.Z4501.B54 v.3 IN
Serial A bibliography of plant collectors in Bolivia / V.A. Funk and Scott A. Mori. Funk, V. A. (Vicki A.), 1947- Gov. SI 1.20:70 IN
Book Bibliography of plant pathology and mycology in the area of the South Pacific Commission, 1820-1976 Firman, I. D. Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.176 IN
Book Bibliography of Pohnpei Ashby, Gene Pac.Z4008.P7A87 1998 IN
Book Bibliography of reports, studies and surveys on Trust Territory : annotated bibliography of studies done on, about, for or by the Trust Territory. Department of Resources and Development. ARC. TTPI 09 IN
Book A bibliography of reports, surveys, and studies prepared by, for, or about the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Wright, Gordon. Pac.Z4501.W7 IN
Book Bibliography of soil fertility and soil management in Pacific Island countries / |c by Alexander Lincoln. Lincoln, Alexander. Pac.DU1.S5783 no.60 IN
Book Bibliography of symposium papers; tenth Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1961. Pacific Science Association. Pac.G101.P28 1966 IN
Book Bibliography of synthesis documents on selected coastal ocean topics Gov.C55.49/3:3 IN
Book Bibliography of taro and other edible aroids : (supplement, 1977-1982) with author, KWIC, and source indexes Bird, Barbara K. Pac.Z5074.T34R67 Suppl. IN
Book A bibliography of taro leaf blight Brunt, Julia Pac.SB211.T2B87 2001 IN
Book Bibliography of the Ellice Islands, Western Pacific Krauss, N. L. H. (Noel Louis Hilmer), 1910- Pac.Z4671.K73 IN
Book Bibliography of the island of Guam Reid, Charles F. (Charles Frederick), 1901- Pac.Z4741.R35 IN
Book Bibliography of the nutritional aspects of the coconut Peters, F. E. (Frank E.) Pac.SB401.C6P48 1954 IN
Book Bibliography of the soils of the tropics Orvedal, Arnold C. (Arnold Clifford), 191 Pac.Z5074.S7O78 1980 IN
Book Bibliography of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Papua New Guinea Branch, 1956-1975 : publications in linguistics, literacy, and anthropology Murane, Elizabeth. Pac.Z4814.L5M8 IN
Book Bibliography of wetland plants of the Caroline Islands. Stemmermann, Lani. Pac.QK976.C6S74 v. 2 (217-230) IN
Book Bibliography on culture and mental health in the Pacific Islands Rubinstein, Donald Pac.RC327.R8 IN
Mixed Bibliography on marine pollution problems in the South Pacific Islands Morrison, John VerF 079.92 Pac IN
Book Bibliography on medicinal plants and related subjects = Bibliographie des plantes médicinales et des sujets apparentés Tamson, R. Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.171 IN
Book Bibliography relative to the development of water resources, territory of Guam Johnston, Emilie G. Pac.Z5853.H9J6 IN
Book Bibliogrpahy of the Phoenix Islands,Central Pacific Krauss, Noel Louis Himer, 1910- Pac.Z4775.K73 1970 IN
Book Bibliogrpahy of the Tokelau or Union Islands, Central Pacific Krauss, Noel Louis Hilmer, 1910- Pac.Z4931.K73 1969 IN
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