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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Design games Sanoff, Henry. CRC NA2750.S24 1979 IN
Book Design improvements to fish aggregation device (FAD) mooring systems in general use in Pacific island countries Boy, R. L. Pac.SH157.85.B69 1984 IN
Book Design in three dimensions Randall, Reino. NK1510.R15 1965 IN
Book Design issues, solutions, and applications QA76.9.H85H8564 2009 IN
Book Design modifications : Wone water system, Ponape District, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.TD324.M5.D47 1981 IN
Book Design proposal for an interisland ship for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.VM156.D47 1976 IN
Book Design review report of Wone water system Office of Planning and Statistics. ARC. TTPI 09 IN
Book Design: sources and resources Ballinger, Louise Bowen. NK1520.B21 1965 IN
Book Design strategies for a low-cost house in Pohnpei's tropical climate. Hendrickson, Elise. Pac.HD7388.P7H36 1994 IN
Book Design tools for the Internet-supported classroom Harris, Judi. LB1044.87.H24 1998 IN
Book Designed by God : so I must be special Sos†, Bonnie. CRC BS651.S67 1988 IN
Book Designing a digital portfolio Baron, Cynthia. NC1001.B37 2004 IN
Book Designing a geography of hope : a practitioner's handbook to ecoregional conservation planning. QH75.D47 2000 IN
Book Designing and assessing courses and curricula : a practical guide Diamond, Robert M. LB2361.5.D5 1998 IN
Book Designing and conducting research : inquiry in education and social science Drew, Clifford J., 1943- BF76.5.D68 1996 IN
Book Designing and implementing livestock value chain studies : a practical aid for Highly Pathogenic and Emerging Disease (HPED) control Taylor, N. W. (Nick W.) FAO.SF871.T39 2012 IN
Book Designing and implementing two-way bilingual programs : a step-by-step guide for administrators, teachers, and parents Calderon, Margarita. LC3731.C29 2003 IN
Book Designing and teaching an on-line course : spinning your web classroom Schweizer, Heidi. LB1028.3.S377 1999 IN
Book Designing clinical research R853.C55D47 2013 IN
Book Designing effective instruction Kemp, Jerrold E. LB1028.38.K46 1994 IN
Book Designing field studies for biodiversity conservation : the nature conservancy Feinsinger, Peter, 1948- QH75.F45 2001 IN
Serial Designing harbors by the number
Book Designing household survey samples : practical guidelines. Doc.HB849.49.D47 2008 IN
Book Designing houses on Pohnpei : design strategies for a low-cost house in Pohnpei's tropical climate Hendrickson, Elise. Pac.HD7388.P7H36 1994 IN
Book Designing instructional strategies : the prevention of academic learning problems Kameenui, Edward L. LC4704.8.K36 1990 IN
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