View previous page View next page Title Search: The quotable woman : the first 5,000 years
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Proverbs, phrases and similes of the Samoans Penisimani. Pac.PN6519.S3P45 1984 IN
Mixed Proverbs [Pohnpeian] compilation. VerF.112 Pac. IN
Serial Provident Fund Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Pac.DU1.S645 1991 IN
Book Providing library services for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Pac.Z678.85.A56 1978 IN
Book Providing reference services for archives and manuscripts Pugh, Mary Jo. CD950.P84 1992 IN
Book Proving ground : an account of the radiobiological studies in the Pacific, 1946-1961. Hines, Neal O. Pac.RA569.H5 1963 IN
Serial Provisional keys to the genera of seaweeds of Micronesia, with new records for Guam and Yap
Mixed Provisional list of attendance : [Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia delegations], World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14-25 June 1993. World Conference on Human Rights (1993 : Vienna) VerF 0388.93 Pac IN
Mixed Provisional verbatim record of the thirteen hundred and ninety-third meeting.
Book Provisional verbatim records of the .... meeting United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Pac.DU500.U574 1973 IN
Book Provisional verbatim transcripts...United Nations Trusteeship Council. United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Pac.DU500.U574 1973 IN
Serial Provisions of the Constitution and United States Code relating to presidential elections. Gov.AE2.102:P92/2000 IN
Mixed Provitamin A and other carotenoids Englberger, Lois [et al.] Pac.RA645.V56E53 2003 IN
Mixed Provitamin A carotenoid content of different cultivars of edible pandanus fruit VerF.030 Pac. IN
Mixed Pruning breadfruit trees VerF.(2)0030 Pac. IN
 2 PSA Inter-Congress
Serial PSI newsletter Pacific Studies Institute (Hagatna, Guam) Pac.Per.DU500.A2P32 IN
Book Psocoptera Thornton, I. W. B. (Ian W. B.) Pac.QL515.T46 1972 IN
 2 Psychiatric-mental health nursing
 2 Psychiatric nursing : biological & behavioral concepts
Book Psychiatry and the law in the developing country : with special reference to the territory of Papua and New Guinea Burton-Bradley, B. G. Pac.RA1151.B87 1970 IN
Book Psychiatry essentials : a systematic review Kolevzon, Alex, 1971- RC454.K595 2002 IN
 2 Psycho
Book Psychodynamic psychiatry in clinical practice Gabbard, Glen O. RC489.P72G33 2000 IN
Book Psychoeducational assessment Ref.LB3051.H1985 2001 IN
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