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Book Program of studies and course offerings 1968-1969 (fifth issue) : secondary education. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Department of Education. Pac.LA2270.T7A18 IN
Book A program of teaching English as a second language (TESL) in the schools of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept of Education. Pac. PE1128.A2 T78 1966 IN
Mixed Program of visit for H.E. President Leo A. Falcam, 30 July to 03 August 2002 : Palau. Pac.HF1473.P76 2002 IN
Mixed Program of visit for H.E. President Leo A. Falcam : Palau. Pac.HF1473.P76 2002 IN
Book Program performance on formula grants 1977. ARC. 1530:8 IN
Book Program performance report of the Community College of Micronesia. Anderson, Daniel D. Pac.LC4040.M5A5 IN
Book Program planning and evaluation. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Education. Pac.LA2270.M5T71 1972 IN
 2 Program planning and evaluation phase two.
Book Program planning and evaluation phase two: final report, 1971 and application for continued planning, 1972 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Education. Pac.LA2270.M5T71p 1971 IN
Book Program planning and evaluation phase two: report of Federal financial assistance and application for continued funding for the Planning and Evaluation of Educational Programs (Section 402, Title IV, P.L. 90 -247)/ Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Education. Pac.LA2270.M5T71p 1971 IN
Book Program planning and evaluation: report of Federal Financial Assistance 1972 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Education. Pac.LA2270.M5T71 1972 IN
Book Program planning and evaluation: report of Federal financial assistance and application for continued funding for the Planning and Evaluation of Educational Programs (Section 402, Title IV, P.L. 90 -247)/ Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Education. Pac.LA2270.M5T71 1971 IN
 2 Program planning and evaluation: section 402, Title IV, Public Law 90-247 (Elementary and Secondary Amendments of 1967).
Book Program planning and evaluation, section 402, Title IV, Public law 90-247 : Elementary and Secondary Ammendments of 1967 ARC. TTPI 04 IN
 2 Program review
Book Program review : College of Micronesia-FSM Learning Resources Center Caldwell, Sue. Pac.Z678.88.C35 2008 IN
Book Program strategy paper : FY 1974-FY 1978 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Pac.HT395.T7P76 IN
Book Programme, abstracts and congress information Pacific Science Congress (15th : 1983 : Dunedin, N.Z.) Pac.Q101.P28 1983 IN
Book Programme evaluation of Palau special alternative bilingual education program : grades 10-12 program year 1992-1993 Pac.LA2270.P185P76 1993 IN
Mixed Programme for the sustainable development of Pacific Island countries in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. VerF.97.73 Pac IN
Book Programme for training Pacific Islanders as social service workers : proposal. South Pacific Commission. Pac.HV11.S68 1975 IN
Book Programme of action for small island states : agreed at the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States Barbados, 1994 Pac.HC59.72.E5P76 1999 IN
Book Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States Pac.HC79.E5S63 1997 IN
Book Programme review and strategy development report Pac.HB3692.55.A3S68 1992 IN
Book Programmes and policies for the economic development of Papua and New Guinea. Papua New Guinea. Pac.HC687.P3P35 IN
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