View previous page View next page Title Search: Pacific friend
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book The Pacific Islands and the USA Crocombe, Ron. Pac.HF1642.55.Z4U64 1995 IN
Book Pacific Islands and Trust Territories: a select bibliography. Pac.Z4501.U485 1971 IN
Book Pacific Islands art and dance. Palmer, Bruce, 1923- Pac.GN662.P35 IN
Book Pacific Islands Association of Chambers of Commerce regional trade directory. Pac.HF5318.55P58 IN
Book Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives Cohen, Arlene Pac.Z673.P28C64 IN
Book Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives by-laws. Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives. VerF 0896.96 Pac IN
Video Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA) conference. MITC UE 510 B IN
Book Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums 21st PIALA annual conference : Program Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums (PIALA) (21st : 2011 : Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia). Pac.Z673.P28P52 2011 IN
Mixed Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives and Museums (PIALA) conference Mills, Carol.
Serial Pacific islands business magazine. Pac.Per.HF4030.7.A48P32 IN
Serial Pacific islands buyer's guide. Pac.Per.HF4030.7.A48P32 IN
Book Pacific Islands Central school catalog Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands TTPI.LG961.M5P3 1960 IN
Book Pacific Islands Climate Assistance Programme (PICCAP) : RAS/95/G32/A/IG/99 Pacific Islands Climate Assistance Programme (PICCAP). Regional Meeting of National Coordinators (1997 : Apia, Samoa) Pac.QC981.8.C5P34 1997 IN
Serial Pacific Islands climate change conference : 3-7 April 2000 Rarotonga, Cook Islands Pacific Islands Conferencehange (2000: Rarotonga, Cook Islands). VerF.(2) 0028 Pac. IN
 2 Pacific Islands communication journal.
Serial Pacific Islands communication newsletter Pac.PN5639.O3P3 IN
 5 Pacific Islands Conference
 4 Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders
 2 Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders memorandum of understanding.
Book Pacific Islands conference on child protection Pacific Islands' Conference on Child Protection (1989 : 1st : Honolulu, Hawaii). Pac.HV739.P3P34 1989 IN
Serial Pacific Islands development dialogue. South Pacific Commission. Pac.Per.HC681.A1 IN
Book Pacific Islands Development Program. Pac.HC681.P348 IN
Book Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pacific Islands Development Program (East-West Center) Pac.HC681.P11 1988 IN
Book Pacific Islands Development Program options for the future : report of the study group commissioned by the standing committee Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders Kiste, Robert C., 1936- Pac.HC681.K577 1997 IN
Book Pacific Islands Development Program : program and planning committee of officials, 21-22, january 1988 Pac.HC681.P11 1988 IN
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