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 2 The American Pacific
Serial American Pacific Magazine 1976 Oct.-Nov.-Dec.
Serial The American Pacific magazine 1977 Jan-Feb-Mar
Mixed American Pacific outposts : Guam, Samoa, and the Trust Territory Meller, Norman VerF 200.68 Pac IN
Book American Pacificism : Oceania in the U.S. imagination Lyons, Paul. Pac.PS159.O28L96 2006 IN
Book The American pageant : a history of the Republic Bailey, Thomas Andrew, 1902- E178.1.B15 1983 IN
Book American painting, 1900-1970 ND212.A3 1970 IN
Serial American photo. Per.TR1.A563 IN
Book American place : the Historic American Buildings Survey at seventy-five years. Gov.I 29.74:AM 3 IN
Computer American poetry : the nineteenth century. CD ROM 0122 1994 IN
Book American policy in Micronesia : an assessment Leary, Paul M. Pac.JQ6240.A5L43 IN
Book American political dictionary Plano, Jack C. Ref.JK9.P55 1989 IN
Book American political leaders : from colonial times to the present O'Brien, Steven. Ref.E176.O27 1991 IN
Book The American political tradition : and the men who made it Hofstadter, Richard, 1916-1970. E178.H727 1974 IN
Book American politics Drew, Elizabeth. JK2249.D72 1999 IN
Book American Polynesia and the Hawaiian chain Bryan, E. H. (Edwin Horace), 1898- Pac.DU510.B73 IN
Book American Polynesia : coral islands of the central Pacific Bryan, E. H. (Edwin Horace), 1898- Pac.DU510.B74 1941 IN
Book American popular music : from minstrelsy to MP3 Starr, Larry. ML3477.S73 2007 IN
Book American practical navigator : an epitome of navigation Bowditch, Nathaniel, 1773-1838. Pac.VK555.B78 1981 IN
Book American prisoners of war and civilian internees United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Gov.AE 1.124:80/2008 IN
Book American prisoners of war and missing-in-action personnel from the Korean Conflict and during the Cold War era United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Gov.AE1.124:102 IN
Book American Public Health Association. RA644.6.C475 2009 IN
Book American quotations : over 8,000 quotations on 264 subjects-the ultimate reference guide on America Carruth, Gorton. Ref.PN6084.A5C37 1992 OUT
Book American reader. PS535.T94 1999 IN
Book American reading instruction Smith, Nila Banton. LB1573.S765 2002 IN
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