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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book United Nations correspondence manual : a guide to the drafting processing, and dispatch of official United Nations communications United Nations. Dept. of General Assembly Affairs Conference Services. Doc.JZ4970.U55 2000 IN
Book United Nations Development Agenda : development for all : goals, commitments and strategies agreed at the United Nations world conferences and summits since 1990. Doc.HC60.U55 2007 IN
Book United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the Pacific Region 2013-2017 Pac.HC935.U549 IN
Serial United Nations Development Programme news United Nations Development Programme. Doc.HC59.8.U54 OUT
Serial The United Nations disarmament yearbook. Doc.JX1974.U546 IN
Serial United Nations documents checklist. Doc.Z6481.U19 IN
Serial United Nations documents index. Doc.Z6481.U19 IN
Book United Nations documents related to disaster reduction Doc.ISDR/2003/5 IN
Book United Nations draft declaration on the rights of the indigenous peoples. Inaugural Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific Workshop on the United Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples (1996 : Suva, Fiji). Pac.HV3176.I53 1997 IN
Book United Nations e-government survey 2008 : from e-government to connected governance Doc.JF1525.A8U55 2008 IN
Book United Nations e-government survey 2010 : leveraging e-government at a time of financial and economic crisis Doc.JF1525.A8U55 2010 IN
Mixed United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. ESCAP
Book United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention) Doc.KJC6242.A41998C66 2014 IN
Book United Nations Economic Commission for Europe countries in figures Doc.HA1107.T74 2007 IN
Book United Nations efforts to set standards for national independence Jandali, Abdulfattah Pac. JX4021.J34 IN
 2 United Nations Environment Programme.
Book The United Nations five year indicative plan : a presentation to the Congress of Micronesia Pac.HC687.M5U58 IN
Book United Nations framework classification for fossil energy and mineral reserves and resources 2009 Doc.TP319.U55 2010 IN
Book United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) Gov.S1.2:C61/2/2002 IN
Book United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV and AID (UNGASS). Pac.RA558.S5U1 2008 IN
Book United Nations global e-government readiness report 2005 Doc.JF1525.A8U5 2006 IN
Serial United Nations handbook. Doc.JX1977.U58 N27 IN
Book The United nations in its second half-century : the report of the independent working group on the Future of the United States JX4984.5.U55 IN
Book United Nations International Meeting on the Question of Palestine : implementing the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - the role of governments, intergovernmental organizations and civil society : United Nations Office at Geneva, 8 and ( March 2005. United Nations International Meeting on the Question of Palestine (2005 : Geneva, Switzerland)
Serial United Nations juridical yearbook. Doc.ST/LEG/SER.C/41 IN
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