Title |
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Call Number |
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Human Resources Office Inactive Special Contract Personal files.
Human Resources Office, Inactive Special contracts : transferred August 30, 2012
Human Resources Office
Human Resources Office, Inactive Special contracts : transferred January 16, 2012
Human Resources Office
Human Resources Office old files : College of Micronesia-FSM
College of Micronesia-FSM Human Resources Office
The human revolution
Ikeda, Daisaku, 1928-
IN |
Human rights
Doc.JC571.A1192 2004
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Human rights : a compilation of international instruments.
Doc.K3238.H85 2002
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Human rights : a quarterly review of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights = Droits de l'homme : revue trimestrielle du Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme.
IN |
Human rights and elections : a handbook on international human rights standards on elections.
Doc.K3293.H85 2021
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Human rights and law enforcement : a trainer's guide on human rights for the police
Doc.HV7923.H86 2002
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Human rights and prisons : a manual on human rights training for prison officials
Doc.K5519.H86 2005
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Human rights and prisons : a pocketbook of international human rights standards for prison officials.
Doc.K5519.P66 2005
IN |
Human rights and social work : a manual for schools of social work and the social work profession.
Doc. HV41 .H86 1994
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Human rights and traditional justice systems in Africa.
Doc.JC599.A35H85 2016
IN |
Human rights and world trade agreements : using general exception clauses to protect human rights
Doc.K3240.H88 2005
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The human rights fifty years on : a reappraisal
JC571.H862 1998
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Human rights in the emerging global order : a new sovereignty?
Mills, Kurt.
JC585.M7793 1998
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Human rights in the world : an introduction to the study of the international protection of human rights
Robertson, A. H. (Arthur Henry), 1913-
K3240.4.R6 1996
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Human rights in Third World perspective
Franck, Thomas M.
IN |
Human rights manual : 1993 International Year of the World's Indigenous People
Department of Foreign Affairs
Ref.JC571.H76965 1993
IN |
Human rights : notes for speakers.
IN |
Human rights : opposing viewpoints
JC571.H769 2003
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Human rights prosecution : whose job should it be?
Cobban, Helena.
VF 144 COB 2000
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Human rights record of the United States in ...
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Human rights record of the United States in 2005
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