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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Compensation decision making Hills, Frederick S. HF5549.5.C67H55 1994 IN
Book Compensation for the people of Rongelap and Utirik : a report to the Fifth Congress of Micronesia, second regular session, February 28, 1974 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Special Joint Committee Concerning Rongelap and Utirik Atolls. Pac.RA569.T781 1971 IN
Book Competency bases for an agricultural education program for the College of Micronesia Dayrit, Ruben S. Pac.S535.M5D39 1980a IN
Book The competent classroom : aligning high school curriculum, standards, and assessment- a creative teaching guide Zmuda, Allison. LB1607.5.Z8 2001 IN
Book Competing in a changing Europe : opportunities and challenges for trade and enterprise development in a changing Europe. Executive Forum on Competing in a Changing Europe (2004) Gov.HF3492.E94 2004 IN
Book Competition. Doc.HF1414.C6557 2004 IN
Book Competition in Palau McKnight, Robert K. Pac.DU780.4.M33 1960 pt.1 IN
Book Competitive colleges, 1998-1999 Ref. LA226.P47 1998 OUT
Video Competitive HCOP : grant application preparation. MITC VC 327 IN
Book [Compilation] Pac.LC3740.M625 IN
Book Compilation of agreements between the Government of the United States and the freely associated state of the Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.JQ6240.A5 C75 IN
Book Compilation of agreements between the government of the United States and the freely associated state of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Marshall Islands. Pac.JX236 1987 IN
Book Compilation of combined and combining financial statements Micronesia (Federated States) Pac.HJ98.2.A25c IN
Book Compilation of international instruments Doc.K3238.H85 2002 IN
Mixed [Compilation of Micronesians in the U.S. Military service]. VerF(2)0010 Pac. IN
Book Compilation of our lives' Ken, Petrus. Pac.PR9670.C73K19 IN
Book Compilation of selected aviation laws as amended through April 1, 2006 United States. Gov.HS4.302:AV5 IN
Book Compilation of short stories commemorating the 100th anniversay of the Soil Survey Program Gov.A57.2:N41 IN
Book Compilation of tax and revenue laws in Micronesia : Ponape, Truk, Yap, Kosrae, Marshalls, Palau Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Pac.KH470.T7 1978 IN
Book A compilation of the holdings of the Whaling and Marine Manuscript Archives. Pac.G545.W53 1971 IN
Book A compilation of the research program, 1993-1998 Pac.SB52.F4C65 1998 IN
Book Compilation of the social security laws : including the Social Security Act, as amended, and related enactments through ... United States.
Book Compilation of the social security laws (United States) United States.
Book Compilation of water resources development and hydrologic data of Saipan, Mariana Islands Van der Brug, Otto Pac.GB705.V26C6 1985 IN
Book A compiled word list of Woleaian Alkire, William H. (William Henry), 1935- Pac.PL6338.Z5A6 IN
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