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Serial Technical document (Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission)
Book Technical document (Inshore Fisheries Research Project. South Pacific Commission); no.6. Kitalong, Anne. Pac.SH319.A2T38 no.6 IN
Book Technical guidelines for quarantine, broodstock management and hatchery operations of introduced GIFT Nile tilapia Diake, Sylvester, author. Pac.SH167.N54D53 2019 IN
Book Technical guidelines on aquaculture certification = Directives techniques relative a? la certification en aquaculture = Directrices te?cnicas para la certificacio?n en la acuicultura. FAO.SH135.T43 2011 IN
Book Technical health training manual Pac.RA440.8.T32 1984 IN
Mixed Technical knowledge and the evolution of political systems in the Central and Western Caroline Islands of Micronesia Alkire, William H. (William Henry), 1935- VerF 0019.80 Pac IN
Book Technical manual of anesthesiology : an introduction RD81.T43 1989 IN
Book Technical mathematics with calculus Davis, Linda. TA330.D38 1990 IN
Book Technical meeting on banana production : Nuku'alofa, Kingsom of Tonga 21 November - 3 December, 1968 South Pacific Commission. Pac.SB379.B2S68 1968 IN
 5 Technical meeting on fisheries
Book Technical meeting on livestock production and health, Suva, Fiji 5-14 July 1966 : report with background papers Technical Meeting on Livestock Production and Health (1966 : Suva, Fiji). Pac.SF5.T43 1966a IN
Book Technical Meeting on Statistical Development (Noumea, New Caledonia, 13-15 September 1995) : report. Technical Meeting on Statistical Development (1995 : Noumea, New Caledonia) Pac.HA37.O32T43 1995 IN
Book Technical Meeting on Tropical Fruits (except Bananas) Report. Technical Meeting on Tropical Fruits (except Bananas) (1972 : Barotonga). Pac.SB359.T43 1973 IN
Book Technical Meeting on Urban Local Government, Port Moresby, Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 27th July-7th August, 1964 : report and recommendations Technical Meeting on Urban Local Government (1964 : Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea) Pac.JS44.T43 1964 IN
Book Technical meeting to assess the feasibility of establishing an Internet-Based Information Systems for the Pacific Region, (Noumea, New Caledonia, 24-25 April 2002): meeting report. Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Pac.T78.5.T22 2002 IN
Book Technical meeting to review the progress of the Pacific Regional Information System (PRISM) project, Noumea, New Caledonia, 11-12 September 2003): meeting report Technical meeting to review the progress of the Pacific Regional Information System (2003: Noumea, New Caledonia) Pac.HA402.T22 2003 IN
Book Technical paper : preliminary estimates of gross domestic product by district fy 1975 Quinn, William J. Pac.HC79.I5Q85 1975 IN
 5 Technical papers
Book Technical papers of the first Pacific Rim Food Conference Pacific Rim Food Conference (1st : 1960 : Honolulu) Pac. HD9018 .O26 T34 1960 IN
Book Technical papers [of the] Urbanization Advisory Committee meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 4th-9th Sept. 1961. South Pacific Commission. Urbanization Advisory Committee. Pac.HT149.P3U7 1961 IN
Book Technical Proposal for the Federated States of Micronesia Capital Complex and College of Micronesia Community College Campus Federated States of Micronesia Capital Construction Task Force ARC. Box 96 IN
Book Technical qualifications and proposed technical approach to planning, site selection and design of Kusaie airport in coordination with planned development of Okat harbor Pac.TL726.9.K8T43 1974 IN
Book Technical reference manual for the standardization of geographical names Doc.G104.5.T43 2007 IN
Book Technical report 2002/03 Crennan, Leonie. Pac.TD96.5.S7C86 2002 IN
Book technical report.Risk assessment of Campylobacter spp. in broiler chickens FAO.QR115.M537 no.12 IN
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