View previous page View next page Title Search: Facing future-on the edge of a new millennium.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book FAO/UNDP bait culture project in Western Samoa Popper, D.M. Pac.SH319.A2P67 1979 IN
 2 FAO Water Reports
Book FAO/WFP Joint guidelines for crop and food security assessment missions (CFSAMs). FAO.HV696.F6F364 2009 IN
Book FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on the application of nanotechnologies in the food and agriculture sectors : potential food safety implications : meeting report. FAO.TX511.F36 2010 IN
Book FAO/WHO framework for the provision of scientific advice on food safety and nutrition FAO.TX531.F36 2007 IN
Book FAO/WHO guide for application of risk analysis principles and procedures during food safety emergencies. FAO.HD9000.6.F27 2011 IN
Book FAO/WHO guide for developing and improving national food recall systems. FAO.RA601.F36 2012 IN
Book FAO/WHO Technical Workshop on Residues of Veterinary Drugs without ADI/MRL : 24-26 August 2004, Bangkok, Thailand. FAO/WHO Technical Workshop on Residues of Veterinary Drugs without ADI/MRL (2004 : Bangkok, Thailand) FAO.RA1270.V47F36 IN
Book FAO Workshop on Governance of Tenure for Responsible Capture Fisheries FAO Workshop on Governance of Tenure for Responsible Capture Fisheries (2011 : Rome, Italy) FAO.SH331.F2 2011 no.983 IN
Book FAO Workshop on the On-Farm Feeding and Feed Management in Aquaculture FAO Workshop on the On-Farm Feeding and Feed Management in Aquaculture (2010 : Manila, Philippines) FAO.SH331.F2 2010 no.949 IN
Serial FAO year book. FAO.SH331.F24 IN
Serial FAO yearbook FAO.HD9750.4.Y4 IN
Serial FAO yearbook, annuaire. Engrais.ngrais = Anuario FAO de fertilizantes. FAO.HD9483.A1F65 IN
Serial FAO yearbook. FAO annuaire. Commerce = FAO anuario. Comercio. FAO.HD9000.4.T7 IN
Serial FAO yearbook. FAO annuaire. Production. FAO.HD1421.P76 IN
Serial FAO yearbook. FAO annuaire. Production = FAO anuario. Producción. FAO.HD1421.P76 IN
Serial FAO yearbook. FAO annuaire. Statistiques des peÌ‚ches et de l'aquaculture = FAO anuario. EstadiÌ?sticas de pesca y acuicultura. FAO.SH331.F24 IN
Serial FAO yearbook. Fishery and aquaculture statistics FAO.SH331.F24 IN
Serial FAO yearbook. Fishery Statistics, Aquaculture production FAO.SH1.F24b IN
Serial FAO yearbook. Fishery Statistics, Capture production FAO.SHI.F24c IN
Serial FAO yearbook. Fishery statistics, Catches and landings. FAO.SH1.F24 IN
Serial FAO yearbook. Fishery statistics, commodities production FAO.SH1.F24a IN
Serial FAO yearbook. Forest products. FAO.HD9750.4.Y4 IN
Serial FAO yearbook, Trade. FAO.HD9000.4.T7 IN
Book FAPE. Micronesia (Federated States). Congress of Micronesia. Pac.LC4700.X2F42 2005 IN
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