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Report of the fourth round of future political status negotiations, Saipan
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Future Status.
Pac.JQ6451.A5T7 1972
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Report of the fourth session of the Committee for Co-ordination of joint prospecting for mineral resources in South Pacific offshore areas
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Pac.TN123.C65 1975
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Report of the fourth Session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries : Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudia Arabia, 7-9 May 2007.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Regional Commission for Fisheries. Meeting (4th : 2007 : Jeddah, Saudia Arabia).
FAO.SH331.F2 2008 no.847
IN |
Report of the Fourth Session of the Scientific Advisory Group : Merida, Mexico, 2-4 April 2007 = Rapport de la quatrie`me session du Groupe Scientifique Consultatif : Merida, Mexique, 2-4 avril 2007 = Informe de la cuarta sesio´n del Grupo Asesor Cientifico : Merida, Mexico, 2-4 de abril de 2007.
Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. Scientific Advisory Group. Session (4th : 2007 : Merida, Mexico)
FAO.SH331.F2 2007 no.842
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Report of the fourth session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture, Puerto Varas, Chile, 6-10 October 2008
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Committee on Fisheries. Sub-Committee on Aquaculture. (4th : 2008 : Puerto Varas, Chile)
FAO.SH331.F2 2009 no.891
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Report of the Global Conference on Aquaculture, 2010 : farming the waters for people and food : Phuket, Thailand, 20-25 September 2010.
Global Conference on Aquaculture (2010 : Phuket, Thailand)
FAO.SH331.F2 2012 no.988
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Report of the Global Conference on Small-Scale Fisheries : securing sustainable small-scale fisheries : bringing together responsible fisheries and social development, Bangkok, Thailand, 13-17 October 2008.
Global Conference on Small-Scale Fisheries (2008 : Bangkok, Thailand)
FAO.SH331.F2 no. 911
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Report of the Guam Agricultural Experiment Station.
Guam Agricultural Experiment Station.
IN |
Report of the health education training course held at Camp ASAN, Guam 27 October - 21 November 1958
Pac.RA558.T78 1958
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Report of the high level conference to adopt a convention for the protection of the natural resources and environment of the South Pacific region, Noumea, New Caledonia, 17-25 November 1986
High Level Conference to Adopt a Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region (1986 : Noumèà, New Caledonia)
Pac.S934 .O3H54 1986
IN |
Report of the inaugural indigenous peoples of the Pacific workshop on the United Nations draft declaration on the rights of the indigenous peoples, 02-06 September, 1996, Suva, Fiji.
Inaugural Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific Workshop on the United Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples (1996 : Suva, Fiji).
Pac.HV3176.I53 1997
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Report of the Inaugural Meeting of the Pacific Plant Protection Organisation : 22-23 February 1996, Nadi, Fiji
Pac.SB950.3.O23R43 1997
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Report of the Inception Workshop of the FAO Extrabudgetary Programme on Fisheries and Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security : Rome, 27-30 October 2009.
Inception Workshop of the FAO Extrabudgetary Programme on Fisheries and Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security (2009 : Rome, Itlay)
FAO.SH331.F2 no.930
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Report of the Institutional Self Study for Reaffirmation of Accreditation : Community College of Micronesia
Gallen, Paul President, 1992-
ARC. Box 86
IN |
Report of the Intergovernmental Meeting on the SPREP action plan
Report of the IPFC AD HOC Committee to review the functions and responsibilities of IPFC, Bangkok, Thailand, 8-11 December l975
Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission. Ad Hoc Committee on Structure, Functions and Responsibilities
Pac.SH331.F2 1976 no.181
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Report of the Joint Budget Committee.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia.
Pac.HJ2199.M5A5 1969
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Report of the Joint Committee on Budget and Program Planning : Review of the High Commissioner's FY 1972 preliminary budget plan
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Program and Budget Planning.
Pac.HJ2199.M5A45 1970
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Report of the Joint Committee on Budget and Program Planning : Review of the High Commissioner's FY 1973 budget plan
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Program and Budget Planning.
Pac.HJ2199.M5A45 1971
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Report of the Joint Committee on Budget and Program Planning : Review of the High Commissioner's FY 1974 budget plan
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Program and Budget Planning.
Pac.HJ2199.M5A45 1972
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Report of the Joint Committee on Budget and Program Planning : Review of the High Commissioner's FY 1975 budget plan
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Program and Budget Planning.
Pac.HJ2199.M5A45 1973
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Report of the Joint Committee on Budget and Program Planning : Review of the High Commissioner's FY's 1974 -1978 preliminary budget plan
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Program and Budget Planning.
Pac.HJ2199.M5A45 1972
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Report of the Joint Committee on Future Status.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Future Status.
Pac.JQ6451.A5T7 1976
IN |
Report of the Joint Committee on future status on the Third Round of Negotiations in Hana, Maui, Hawaii to Congress of Micronesia Second Regular Session, 1972, Fourth Congress : Draft
Congress of Micronesia
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Report of the joint committee on program and budget planning.