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Book United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Report to the General Assembly. United Nations TT.DU500.U567 IN
Book United Nations Trusteeship Council transcripts United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Pac.DU500.U574 1973 IN
Mixed United Nations Trusteeship Counil.
Book The United Nations trusteeship system Murray, James N. Pac.H31.I4 IN
 3 United Nations visiting mission : handbook of information
 2 United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
Book United Nations visiting mission to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : February 17-March 9, 1953 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the High Commissioner. Pac.DU500.T785 1953 IN
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Book United States Air Force 60th anniversary : lessons learned in airpower throughout the ages. Gault, Gary. Gov.D301.82/7:L56 IN
Book United States Air Force sixtieth anniversary : lessons learned in airpower throughout the ages Gault, Gary. Gov.D301.82/7:L56 IN
Book The United States and Japan in the Pacific ; American naval maneuvers and Japan's Pacific policy Kasai, Jiuji George, 1886- Pac.DS888.5.K355 1970 IN
Mixed The United States and Japan in the Western Pacific : Micronesia and Papua New Guinea Pac.DU500.U443 1981 IN
Book The United States and Japan in the western Pacific : Micronesia and Papua New Guinea : interim report Pac.DU500.F6 IN
Book The United States and Micronesia in free association : a chance to do better? Manhard, Phillip W. Pac.JQ6451.A5M35 IN
Mixed The United States and the Pacific Islands : (address to the Pacific and Asian Affairs Council, Honolulu, 11 February 1981) Crocombe, R.G. VerF 075.81 IN
Book The United States and the Persian Gulf : reshaping security strategy for the post-containment era DS63.2.U5U3 2003 IN
Book The United States and the Southwest Pacific. Grattan, C. Hartley (Clinton Hartley), 1902-1980. Pac.DU30.G7 IN
Computer The United States and World War II an overview. Gov.D114.2:W19/2/V.1-3/SET3/CD IN
 2 The United States annexation of Wake Atoll, Central Pacific Ocean
Mixed The United States anthropologist in Micronesia : toward a counter-hegemonic study of sapiens Alcalay, Glenn VerF 0394 Pac. IN
Book United States Army and irregular warfare, 1775-2007 : selected papers from the 2007 Conference of Army Historians Conference of Army Historians (16th : 2007) Gov.D 114.2:AR 5 IN
Book The United States Army and the COVID-19 Pandemic : January 2020-July 2021 Gov.D114.2:C82 2021 IN
 2 United States Army and the forging of a nation, 1775-1917
eBook The United States Army and World War II. Gov.D114.21:W19/2/V.1-4./SET.4 IN
Book United States Army Chief of Staff's residence, Fort Myer, Virginia Bell, William Gardner. Gov.D 114.2:Q 2/2001 IN
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