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 2 Amelia Earhart
Book Amelia Earhart : a biography Rich, Doris L. Pac. TL540 .E3 R53 1989 IN
Book Amelia Earhart lives; a trip through intrigue to find America's first lady of mystery. Klaas, Joe. Pac.TL540.E3K5 1970 IN
Serial Amelia Earhart mystery Hinz, Earl
Serial Amelia Earhart on Nikumaroro : a summary of the evidence
Book Amelia Earhart : opposing viewpoints Leder, Jane Mersky. Pac.TL540.E3L43 1989 IN
Book Amelia Earhart : the mystery solved Long, Elgen M. Pac.TL540.E3L65 1999 IN
Book Amelia Earhart : the myth and the reality ... Strippel, Dick Pac.TL540.E3S75 1972 IN
Mixed Amelia Earhart's bones and shoes? : current anthropological perspectives on an historical mystery Burns, Karen R. [] VerF 0815.01 Pac IN
Book Amelia Earhart's shoes : is the mystery solved? Pac.TL540.E3A74 2001 IN
Book Amended annual program plan for fiscal year 1977 under Part B, Education of the Handicapped Act as amended by Public Law 94-142 (O.M.B. no.51-R1195) Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education. Pac. HV1559 T7 T78 1977 IN
 2 Amended Compact of Free Association.
Book Amended Compact of Free Association, 2003. Pac.JQ6451.A3 2003 IN
Book Amended Compact of Free Association; signed documents Joint Committee on Compact Economic Negotiations-JCN. Pac.JQ6451.A3 2003 IN
 2 The amended U.S. Compacts of Free Association with the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands: less free, more compact
Mixed Amendment to Order 2918 effecting legislative and fiscal separation of the Marshall Islands, Palau, and the Central Districts of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Van Cleve, Ruth G., VerF 0483.78 Pac IN
Book Amendments to National campus Fall 2010 enrollment report James, Spensin 1947-2012 Interim President.
Book Amendments to Public Service System regulations. Pac.KTF.F42A1 2002 IN
Mixed Amendments to the charter for the Yap District Government. VerF 0378.78 Pac IN
 2 America
Book America 2000 : an education strategy : sourcebook. LA210.A5 1991 IN
Book America and the four Japans : friend, foe, model, mirror Schodt, Frederik L., 1950- E183.8.J3S34 1994 IN
Book America and the new economy Carnevale, Anthony Patrick. Gov.L37.2:AM 3/2 IN
Book America at war : the battle for Iraq : a view from the front lines DS79.76.A44 2003 IN
Book America beyond 2001 : opposing viewpoints HN59.2.A445 1996 IN
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